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▼Hey friends! Today we’re looking at our ROTATION for SHADOWLANDS!!▼
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∇ Approaching Nirvana ∇
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00:00 Intro
01:57 What’s Changed since BFA?
03:47 New or Reworked Spells/Talents
04:22 Rotation explained
05:56 Single-Target Rotation
07:02 Multi-Target Rotation
08:09 Cooldowns & Their Use
09:26 Talents Explained
13:20 Covenant Spells Explained
15:30 Summary
Some say cucumbers taste better pickled
Okay, first of all: amazing Video right from the Start as always! Love the structure and thoughts that go into your videos!
Also,.. I gotta ask: at 2:24 you habe fixated nameplates on your screen! I thought this addon was not allowed anymore for some reason. There is also probably a video of you talking about your setup, but could you maybe point me into the right direction which add on helps me to do exactly what I see on your screen?
Thanks for this, but the timestamps in the bar are for your nerf video.
Can't wait for shadowlands, shadow priest is going to be a breath of fresh air
Thank you for this! so well designed!
what are you using for nameplates to be so big.. I find it very difficult to click on enemies when trying to put out your dots and spend alot of wasted time not DPSing and tab targeting. this looks like it would be much easier to use.
great guide, great structure and great work <3
Great video. Excellent breakdown on the rotation. I am maining my spriest for sl and this is a big help. One question, what is the addon that is right in the middle of your screen that shows your spells? Have you done a video on your addons. Thanks again for the video. Oh I am really liking spreist for sl. Like you said, the rotation feels so smooth. Really like it.
Any help with covenants? Venthyr-good soulbinds,but Im not sure about the covenant ability in RAID/dungeons..necrolords -i like the reworked ability,but soulbinds sucks in my opinion-cs I would have only one soulbind agressive And others had to be deff spells…As venthyr I might have two Attack spells in my soulbinds -so whats mořr Worth ? Are 2 agressive soulbinds priority or should I choose by the covenant ability even though I would have to play with deff soulbinds??
And I've got no idea what to pick..
THX for videos And keeping us up!
Hi Angelo, when did you make this video, had you seen the changes to the shadow priest for patch 9.0.2? I think some important skills were nerfed a lot, including devouring plague, but since I haven't been able to play the beta I would like to know your opinion.
I'm afraid our beloved class will start out really strong and then we'll get nerfed over and over until we are in the bottom tier.
I would love to see Shadow Priest Gear/Stat/DmgRotation and Playstyle for PVP from you
This is exactly what i needed – great video thx!
Why does your voidform still has tentacles on it and currently mine has not? Any ideas?
Nice video man, new to shadow and this should help ALOT. Just quick question though, i imported all your pastebin links, where are the majority of your spells bound to? even in video i see youre applying dots and such but i dont see spells on your bar and sometimes you actually swap bars. ex. Mind blast i see it in the WA but i do not see it on your bars anywhere
edit: I also noticed that the vuhdo pastebin does not do anything when I import it.
Hey bud, which covenant is this rotation based on?
Great info….Can you do a video on your UI??? Its really noice!