Something BIG is Coming to World of Warcraft

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28 thoughts on “Something BIG is Coming to World of Warcraft”

  1. I am hardcore and think the hardcore community needs more hardcore servers and hardcore realms . the hardcore community is so hardcore that the hardcore challenges arent hardcore enough for the hardcore scene, so blizzard neesd to make more hardcore hardcorehardcorehardcorehardcore

  2. HC is cool and all but perma hc just doesn’t sound fun. Get to 60 then die in mc or a dung do to someone else’s fuck up. Idk. Maybe if they did max 60 chars for everyone and did it that way. No way do I want to waste hours and hours just to lose it all lol.

  3. Yeah, that’s a big no from me, chief. Classic is difficult enough even without some lvl 60 rogue ganking every lvl 20 that pops its head out from safety. I find 0 enjoyment in rerolling endlessly when you can lose countless hours of progress in a half second to some rando.

  4. I've never seen any other addicted group than this whole nostalgia boomer community.

    I mean do what you want I don't care but this whole messy hardcore shtick is a proof how miserable you guys are begging for a change stuck in something that existed 2 decades ago. All done and finished, everyone and their mothers blizz levelled elemental mages everywhere. That's it. End of the line. The game is just over, nothing ever left to discover let tour addiction go lol XD

    I wouldn't wanna be around to witness your moment of realization when you comprehend this blood sucking corporation is draining your life from all that fake non-existent nostalgia hype that your hormones playing on you, so sad.

  5. Speaks a lot of how desperate Blizzard is to keep/regain players that they now all of a sudden do what players asked of them for almost a decade by now.

    I though won't trust Blizzard further. They killed my vanilla-classic realm by not connecting it to others and let it rot even though they claimed from the start that it will be a first-class citizen in the WoW franchise. 6 month later we still had no connection to other servers or received a free character transfer onto other servers. Plenty of players simply quit and 3 month after the split to vanilla-calssic and BC-classic we had 3-4 Horde players weekends at prime time online and 10-15 Alliance players. On Horde we couldn't even run 5 man dungeons further and Alliance only with a week worth of planning as half of the server were also HC players enjoying their time and avoiding any social interactions. Why Blizzard acted that way? No one knows. I was playing on the 2nd largest German PvE-Realm. All others got connected but Razorfen-EU/DE and so within a couple of weeks they simply killed all active players on that server but still claimed they monitor closely and will connect all servers. Month later I got a message from a discord member that they opened up a paid character transfer to other server … paid … why paid? It wasn't the fault of the players that were left alone. No justification why they weren't able to simply connect that server to others. Nothing. At one point I then got banned from the official forums for wanting an official statement and why it had to be a paid transfer. Luckily my accounts at that time were already unsubscribed and inactive. But well, never touched any Blizzard product since then and never will be. This is not how Blizzard should treat loyal customers … oh, and any attempts to unsubscribe from their spam-marketing mails fails for whatever reason but at this time I do not even care but simply redirect any mails that contain blizzard or activision directly to the spam folder, job done.

  6. Personally i think turtle-wow has perfected hardcore mode. Doesn't matter if you DC, got griefed or you fuck up, you die, you're dead. But when you hit 60, you're immortal, and HC is no more. On top of that you can trade with other HC players within 5 levels of you, which makes professions viable.

    You could maybe add a rule, such as a 24h lock-out if you die in a dungeon (at 60). Or an Option to continue HC.

  7. Na sorry, gone to turtlewow. I refuse to give Blizzard month sub money for a nearly 20 year old game. Not with the cost of living rise making life harder. Its ridiculous. Classic wow / vanilla wow should be damn free ffs!


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