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Shadow Priest Quickstart FAQ for Shadowlands Launch:
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0:00 Introduction
0:27 Charts Website
6:57 FAQ Spreadsheet
10:42 Patreon
Music provided by Monstercat
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IcyVeins Guide –
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Am I going to be viable in m+ and mythic raid picking Venthyr?
Which site is going to be more up to date ? Spreadsheet says best soulbind for Necrolord is Emeni , and chart says Bonesmith .
thank you for your amazing work 🙂
does dissonant echoes cast the proc void bolt automatically?
OMG u are the best
This is really insane, great job and thank u !!!!
This shadow-sims tool is the fucking GOAT. BIG thanks to you and the WC Priests team.
are the pelagos sims pre or post nerf? ty
Man i love your videos but this is sooo amazing. Thanks a lot for making our gaming experience so much better. Cheers
Im not sure about others in the SP community, but you are doing an insane work and im really thankful for it. This kind of work deserves Patreon subscribes.
Awesome work as always.
Holy shit this is some high quality stuff! Thank you, this shit is getting insta bookmarked! 😀
Appreciate it mate you are really helpful!! keep going ❤️
does anyone have a list of where to get the legendary powers?
Big thank you! Amazing work and well appreciated.
holy shit that page is like bloodmallet on crack
Wow, this is impressive. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this!
Think you have the drop location of ECttV and TS in your googlesheet mixed. Thanks for the good work, keep it up! 🙂
This is going to be a massive help thank you bud. We all appreciate the time and effort you put into this.
You guys are the shit.
thank you for doing the work required to get us this information 🙂
Can i ask what you personally are going for covenant? Going whatever is numerically the best or do you have a favored choice?
Hey there, as a mage main i may go shadowpriest ive checked your data it seems necrolord is doing the bedt overall for m+ and raiding ? =)
This is some incredible information you're providing to the community. Thanks so much!!!!
Absolute Legend!
I appreciate all the effort you've put into my favorite spec. I've been playing shadow since WotLK and loved the intricacies that have come with the spec. The resources you and your team are providing are massive and we can't thank you enough. I work full time and have two young children but am still planning to raid in Shadowlands because of the research you and your team have gathered. Thanks again.
Best SPriest content creator out there. Liked and subbed.
I was under the assumption that with the mastery rework that it was a bit ahead of crit on priority for prepatch. Was I wrong or did it just change for Shadowlands release?
I’m so scared to commit to my spriest for bliz hates when my favorite class has fun
They should make you into a legendary
Thanks you this is huge!
Excelent work mate.
thank you so much
Cant decide between kyrian and necrolord for mainly mythic+
Is it posible to make expand the spreadsheet with professions?
after the 15% nerf how is S.priest looking?
Would you recommend crafting another Legendary early? Or wait for the raid to unlock to obtain our BiS
Holy moly that excel spread is awesome, thanks! Is the Dungeon talents in the spreadsheet those talents you also would choose for Torghast solo?
Thank you so much for this guide. I will be supporting you on patreon and just subbed!
Thanks Publik 🙏
@Publik what covenant are you leaning to? Im going to focus mainly on mythic dungeons, raids is not my thing, would you say necrolord?
Very cool thank you!
Thank so much for great content! You r incredible!
Thank you rly much for all that great work, holy shit you are amazing👌
This is just incredible, thanks for doing this.
thank you for sharing what must have taken countless hours to work on!
You are the real MVP
Tnx man for good video!!!
nice spreadshit, top work, keep it up !
Thank you!