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This was requested from another vid. Just the first two bosses in LFR and everything in between.
As expected WoW struggles when tons of people are around. But, I don’t typically raid with 24 other ppl .
Too much addons, computing effects it's not necessary set it at max. There is not different between max or good in graphics quality, but you would gain more fps setting it at good.
Why not 5950x if this is ur main game it’s all cpu based
Ty for the video. You boosted that lfr groupe xD. This is ridiculous we need a 12700k to have 60+ fps while raiding in wow at 10/10 … :'((
Hey man. Awesome video! Can you list off all your add on? I love your UI. Everything is set up so smooth and clean. Thanks!
Hey, thanks for the upload i am pretty curious how wow runs on intel 12th gen, are you running win 10 or 11 and ddr4 or ddr5?
nice video~ what monitor you used in this video ?
I thought my performance with a 2070 super sucked with 3440×1440. This video reminds me how terrible WoW is optimized. The game desperately needs a new engine it's such trash. Dips into the 60s with a 3080ti and 12700k on a game that looks visually terrible.
How do I raise my 60 refresh cap in game to my monitors 144 refresh? Ty also is there a way to run that resolution but not have the black lines at the top and bottom?
ray tra off
Why the fps drop much?