Shadowlands 12700K – 3080Ti WoW 25 Man LFR – 3440×1440

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This was requested from another vid. Just the first two bosses in LFR and everything in between.

As expected WoW struggles when tons of people are around. But, I don’t typically raid with 24 other ppl .


10 thoughts on “Shadowlands 12700K – 3080Ti WoW 25 Man LFR – 3440×1440”

  1. I thought my performance with a 2070 super sucked with 3440×1440. This video reminds me how terrible WoW is optimized. The game desperately needs a new engine it's such trash. Dips into the 60s with a 3080ti and 12700k on a game that looks visually terrible.

  2. How do I raise my 60 refresh cap in game to my monitors 144 refresh? Ty also is there a way to run that resolution but not have the black lines at the top and bottom?


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