Shadowlands 9.0.5 Disc Priest is AMAZING (PVP Guide)

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Shadowlands 9.0.5 Disc Priest is AMAZING (PVP Guide)


17 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.0.5 Disc Priest is AMAZING (PVP Guide)”

  1. Started Disc this season as well as playing arena seriously for the first time. I have over 1k games in 3's but still working to get past 1700, this is very helpful. I think I'm going to have to watch once or twice more though. Thank you.

  2. In all honesty nothing is going to be tried by me any further in SL. They just keep resetting your progress by drastically alternating BiS: stats, conduits, legendaries, renown, soulbind, covenant abilities….its too much. All to get you to run in circles doing the exact same things over and over and over again, just to get back to where you were only to "try" it out, and it still not stand a chance against Paladin, Mage, or Warrior.

  3. Really wonderful video. I appreciate it. I am trying to learn how to play a healer. This is very informative when you have slowed down clips explaining what you are thinking and what your teammates are doing.


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