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In this video I discuss what the best Warlock Trinkets are for the current patch – 9.0.5 and what combinations of those trinkets should be used by each of the three Warlock Specs!
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0:00 – Intro
0:08 – Opening Discussion
0:40 – What are the Trinkets?
8:38 – Affliction Trinket Setups
9:45 – Destruction Trinket Setups
11:23 – Demonology Trinket Setups
13:22 – Closing Thoughts
#Warlock #Worldofwarcraft #Guide
Tell me about what trinkets have been working for you guys!
and now the hair is amazing
Empyreal Ordnance @ 226 and Souletting Ruby @ 226 almost by default at this point. If I need boss damage I can delay for 15 seconds and use both together. I also have it where they are macroed differently, if I need one vs the other. If it weren't for both of them being 226 I probably wouldn't but… Usually I use the Ruby most of the time and the mastery stat stick from EO is fairly massive. The 451 intellect boost form EO is massive as well when I need it.
It may not be optimized but the Unbound Channeling is really underwhelming and I passed on a Hymnal in the Vault for the Ruby.
I have legit not seen the Unbound Changeling drop once the entire expansion. Feelsbadman
Great video Bames, appreciate! Im using Ruby+Changeling on Aff and with Destro, Changeling and either Fond for M+ or IQD for Raid. Small sidenotes: Changeling cant roll Versa 😉 And you can and should change the stat proc on changeling multiple times a day, at least when pushing a certain boss/highkey. Theres a once in a day chance to have it give you all 3 secondaries at 40% value, which heavily outsims any single stat proc or other passive trinket, even a 233 hymn.
Bames, I am now convinced you have the most organized, best design, and useful commentary on Warlock playstyle. This is such a meaningful video that I am sure every serious warlock has asked about. Well done sir and please continue doing the content. I roll with Ruby = Changeling 226s on Mythic plus but still cant pull your numbers, do great in Raid but not as much in +15s or 16s which is where I am functional at. Hard to be the other guys with trash.
I really like Wakener Frond for 2 minute destro build. that with unbound changeling.
or Divine bell for Aff. it desyncs your PS/soul rot but it does great burst.
I got ruby and changeling in 14 days, dam that rng, 226 ofc.
Another great video my friend!
Been pretty lucky gear wise except for trinkets… running a 194 bell and a 203 changeling smh
Great video as usual, Bames!
One thing, Cabalist Hymnal is not up all the time. The total effect lasts 30 secs on a 1 min ICD.
I play Demo warlock, and I find Hymnal + Ruby to be very very strong. Since the Tyrant set up takes a bit of time, I'm always in the 2nd or 3rd stack of Hymnal by the time I pop my Tyrant giving me a huge crit boost. 35% – 40% Tyrant crits are so satisfying. I expect it to be even stronger on affliction for those nasty MR crits. Hopefully this trinket drops for you and you can make a video about it!
thoughts on hp trinket with demo for keys ?
Weird thing, that there is no options in case of no wilfred demo. I am personally using implosion legendary, and can't find nor trinqet to line up with tyrant, nor covenant, that will properly feet my burst windows.
I'm doing 13-15s currently as Affliction. I have opted to play the SL build with IQD / Changeling (mastery) pretty much exclusively now as I feel like even with more AOE oriented builds I am not doing much on trash as our fury warrior just keeps deleting packs. With this setup I am still able to do insane trash burst with CDs and I can completely melt bosses. This has been working best for me.
what about iqd + ruby for aff?
BELL ?????????????
I’m assuming IQD will drop in value for Affliction now that Dark Glare is now on a 2mins baseline since the Shadow Embrace has been reverted back to the talent tree? We don’t have any other 3mins timers to stack it with anymore.