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Shadowlands 9.0.5 PVP Updates! META CHANGING
Can I just say how pissed I am to see marksman buffs and nothing for survival…
Can you explain why the "Demon armor buff" is a buff? The current in-game tooltip says it increases it by 150%. Am I missing something? Isn't it a reduced nerf?
I may be wrong, but im pretty sure they are BUFFING casting circle, right now it no longer enables Unending Resolve with kick immunity, but they have they greyed out on these notes, so now in 9.0.5 BOTH should give kick immunity.
Wtb survival 🙁
demonarmor increases armor by 150 percent right now, not sure whats going on with the 120 percent
"mEtA cHaNgInG"
These are all dogshit.
I finally can play my fully geared lock that’s been afk
Light of the dawn legendary buff, hmm will we start seeing some Necrolord holy Paladin builds?
the returnof bm hunter in pvp…
do these changes really matter to most players? 90% of the playerbase will still be sat waiting 4-5 hours for a single game staring at the LFG tool. anyways, brb rerolling arms warrior.
Blizzard insisting we play momentum DH…nobody loves it, it was fun in legion, but its just not viable to make a movement ability into a dps cds…
How has Ret damage still not been touched ? It's beyond me lmao
What about nerf ret paladin ? nothing…
Can you put less ads please.
Warlcoks will still be the 1% in pvp. Nothing did changes for Locks. They just did revert an absolute injustify nerf on malefic rapture on PTR which is not on live + did change demon armor to 120% but in reality on live demon armor for aff is 150% so i guess it's only for destro ? or it's actually a nerf + changes on "casting circles" but in reality we can't pick this talent since we need everytime "Rapid contagion + demon armor/reflect + Rampant afflictions it's mandatory so we havn't any room for casting circles so there are no changes at all for warlocks. Oh wait there's one change very cool at least but it's not on warlocks, it's actually a nerf on pallys that will help locks since pallys will not be able to nerf perma 15% of our damage with shadow aura lol
Actually nothing will change. Probably BM Hunter will be seen more often. Those "changes" will not change the meta.
Warlocks are going to be OP as fuck. Their damage was already completely over the top, they just couldn't survive. That perma snare protected by UA 10k hits is just silly too
SV not getting buffed is sad but when the "meta" for hunters gets trashed by jellybeans these crumbs arnt going to change my mind when rets and others are also getting buffed.
Bring back Soul Swap for Affi & huge Fire Nova for enhance!
You skipped prot warrior, i wonder why
the stormkeeper changed you mentioned is enhance stormkeeper only. so ele is unchanged.
Why do they keep nerfing paladin i can't even get past 1200 and my gear is bad going against 43k ppl wow stuck in 200 gear even more now how does swtor have better ranked pvp. "pro" players dont need gear advantage. no pvp scaling and ppl in top gear in 1200 rating smashing ppl like me its fuckin bull shit. good job on making it tougher for new ppl.
did they remove the rejuvination buff?
When does this patch release?
Clearly says the Stormkeeper change is for enhancement
this game is a joke…they are literally going down the same path of "balancing" they did in bfa that made the majority of people quit
Ele is going to feel horrible. It already does with cleanse the weak and double dispel from priests. Ele is literally forced to play with someone else to give them pseudo dispel protection.
VT has no CD, applies SWP, and provides a secondary instant cast proc. No point in dispelling VTs, but they still have dispel protection + mind games. UA has no cd and provides huge dispel protection.. and the rest of their dots are spammable. Now, shadow resistance aura is gone.
Meanwhile, ele has a 6 second CD on flame shock with no dispel protection. Switching targets is a nightmare, and a cleanse the weak pally presses dispel once, right after prim wave, and your entire go is nullified. You're reduced to a lasso bot. I guess I HAVE to play with a UA lock, or just forget that my class even fucking exists.
Legion had a lava surge proc chance of 15%, and now it is 10%. That's proportionally a 33% nerf. FS lasted 24 seconds and had NO cool down, and the first available talent made FS spread to other targets. Now, there is no spread, it lasts 18 seconds, and has a 6 second CD with a 10% proc chance. Despite way less lava bursts, ele is frontloaded into LB more than ever since legion, and it feels fuckimg horrible. Random one shots, no consistent damage whatsoever.
ES buff is irrelevant if it doesn't crit, and everyone stacks haste. That 8% crit RNG is going to be stupid. The buff will make ES hit for like 6-7k.. meanwhile, divine toll hits me for 35k, and Templar verdict hits for 25k. Oh, and holy pal judgment smacks for 10k.
Those 6k LBs really needed a nerf I guess. Back to classic I go. Ill just wait for tbc and never touch this shit xpac again.
Blizzard remember that hunters have a spec named survival?
appreciate the upload but please do a bit more research instead of just reading it off hand… sort of unprofessional looking
Warlocks, but especially affliction and demology need far more class changes to make people even LIKE to play them, i am not even talking viability. Class devs should look back at TBC(upcoming TBC Classic) to get information what made affliction strong and fun to play, reverting MR nerfs, while MR is a failure as class mechanic…how can class devs be so out of touch with class design? Just remove MR And increase dmg of dots!