I tried healing as a mist and hpala, jesus its so hard i just cant do it, love playing as a dps or blood dk but I just cant do healing atleast in rated arena, there is so mutch more to do, I forgot to use spells, I die fast, mutch more work because now I have to target myself and my friend and not only tab switching to enemies, really want to heal but it seems so hard..
HPala need to be reverted to how they were in early season 1. The other healers have all received buff and are strong (except for MW). I hope they at least revert our mana regen/divine favour back to what it was in s1.
MW is way more fun than HPala. Hpala is a depressing downhill battle you kno will be anything but fun if you team cant secure a setup kill within 2 mins. Fastest oom healer and once divine shield is gone your pretty much fked.
Pve shaman is more maintaining your rip tides, and earth shield. casting healing wave/healing surge, weaving in some dps and rotating threw your totems/healing cooldown. Almost never using chain heal and healing rain doesn't have enough through put and hard to keep everyone inside of the circle to be worth using very often Edit: there is a conduit you can play that buffs healing rain but with the amount of tools rshaman has and how it can be hard to have all 5 members of your group stand in the healing rain it's not really worth
Is prot paladin not viable anymore?
I tried healing as a mist and hpala, jesus its so hard i just cant do it, love playing as a dps or blood dk but I just cant do healing atleast in rated arena, there is so mutch more to do, I forgot to use spells, I die fast, mutch more work because now I have to target myself and my friend and not only tab switching to enemies, really want to heal but it seems so hard..
I miss prot
HPala need to be reverted to how they were in early season 1. The other healers have all received buff and are strong (except for MW). I hope they at least revert our mana regen/divine favour back to what it was in s1.
MW is way more fun than HPala. Hpala is a depressing downhill battle you kno will be anything but fun if you team cant secure a setup kill within 2 mins. Fastest oom healer and once divine shield is gone your pretty much fked.
You say shaman is a chain healing spammer in pve; you should rarely even cast that spell in raid or m+… That's just not correct
the only world in which rsham doesnt oom is the world where ur too scared to press anything but riptide and unleash kekw
Seems legit
Pve shaman is more maintaining your rip tides, and earth shield. casting healing wave/healing surge, weaving in some dps and rotating threw your totems/healing cooldown. Almost never using chain heal and healing rain doesn't have enough through put and hard to keep everyone inside of the circle to be worth using very often
Edit: there is a conduit you can play that buffs healing rain but with the amount of tools rshaman has and how it can be hard to have all 5 members of your group stand in the healing rain it's not really worth
+1 for FUN, an underrated stat
Priest having life grip is tempting me to play healer for the first time ever