Shadowlands 9.1.5 Patch: MOST WANTED – The QoL Changes you'd want the most

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WoW 9.1 and 9.1.5 Patch: Conduit Energy? Covenant Respec? Better use for Valor, Soul Cinders & Soul Ash, Anima and Stygia? Retweaking of M+ Seasonal Affix?
What do you want to see in the near future? What Quality of life changes would you like to see implemented in 9.1.5 to better improve the ingame activities currently available? What should this patch focus on?

00:00 9.1.5 Means QoL and Tweaks, no new Content
01:52 The New Character Chores & Grinds
03:48 Too Many Currencies for too few Rewards
06:53 Have MORE USE out of in-game Currencies
10:24 Timegating is Okay. But JUST at the START
13:00 Other 9.1.5 Wishes like Conduit Energy
15:22 9.1.5, Campaign Skips, Shards of Domination & More
18:05 Bonus Rolls, Anima Cap, Box of Many Things Account Wide
19:33 Stygian Embers & More Rewards from Activities
22:20 Final Words on Wishes for 9.1.5

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30 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.1.5 Patch: MOST WANTED – The QoL Changes you'd want the most”

  1. playing mage atm, being able to swap covenants freely so i could actually try other specs out would be nice. Like they've dug their feet in the dirt on it so firmly and it seems so easy, even from an rpg element, like "oh hey, you blasted a bunch of the baddies and helped us out here in x zone while you were levelling, we'd love to have your help." Instead of the, "ohhhhh you left us and we feel betraaayed. Better fill up this bar so we trust you again." smfh

  2. I'm trying to put myself into the shoes of a new player who hasn't been cumulatively learning the purpose of each grind and currency like I have. If they don't condense it down a little, it's going to be extremely daunting to a new or returning player.

  3. I just want a great vault change. Been raiding twice a week since sanctum has come out, and have been doing at least 4 m15s. I have a total of 3 pieces of loot to show for between all of it. Well, technically more but literally every single 252 piece I get from the vault has been a dom slot or a leggo slot. Dom slots which, btw, I still only have 1 of. Today I got my (what would be if dom slots didn’t exist) BiS head WITH a socket! Can’t wait to have to replace it eventually with a piece over 10 ilvls lower. If it even drops.

  4. it is so pointless, sitting in Tier 6 Archivist Codex and to wait renown 75 to get your gear "upgraded" to 233… which is like… lower than any of your items. Anyone who grinds it all the way to Tier 6, will have no use for any of those items anymore, making the whole upgrade system pointless past 226.

  5. I believe the most important improvement is how to make the game a lot more bot-friendly and introduce more creative ways to piss off the remaining players.

  6. Its fine for me doing all the chores on my main one time a day/week, even collecting grateful offerings to spend anima, I just wish If I can finish with my main and hop on my alt to do some M+ or raiding, no Torghast or any of this shit.

  7. sorry but i don t even want to bother with my main to do this shit bar filling every day or week. get rid of the systems or m not coming back. they can t balance it, its annoying and i hate wow since legion because of it. i gave them a chance again, because they said sl will be alt friendly and all will be fine, but its shit.

  8. Lmao, Hey Izen. Your videos are full of POS opinions. Over half of your viewers disagree with you. Obviously theres an issue and youre ignoring the elephant in the room. lololol.

  9. I see more dislikes than likes but far more positive comments than negative. Are people butthurt over Izen attacking their precious Bellular?

    Also, as you dipped your toe into the water now, i think you should do a response to his answer Video. Leaving that in the room without an answer is not good

  10. Imagine being so pathetic that you go out of your way to dislike a video about a game that you dont even play simply because its creator criticized the way your favourite cuckold nerd analyzed data and clickbaited it. Go back to reddit lol, fucking neckbeards


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