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BUGS… LOTS OF BUGS… Asmongold Plays Shadowlands Patch 9.1 for the first time, Chains of Domination is out and even though this patch took Blizzard 8 months it seems the Beta Testing part has been mostly ignored. Nonetheless Asmon reacts to the new “Tyrande vs Sylvanas Cinematic Patch 9.1” and enters into the new Korthia zone,
Shadowlands 9.1 Intro Scenario + Cinematic 0:00
Shadowlands 9.1 NEW ZONE 23:10
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This game looks and feels like some 3/10 anime. It's laughable
the fuck was that at 6:25???
Thanks for the video. Makes me happy knowing I don't give Blizzard any money.
Asmongold is in an abusive relationship with this game, and keeps returning for more. He is also an enabler, despite all of his crying and moaning, for Blizzard. One dimensional, sad individual who has lost his way.
I'm 99% sure that the voice actress for Ven' Ari at 25:30 is the same as the VA for Doctor Amari in Fallout 4.
The plot is next lvl sjw snowflake no sense bullshittery. I prefer to jerk off to hentai than watch this.
Anyone know what that drake mount is he is riding is called?
WoW is the worst game ever created.
Not a single "epic moment" in 9.1 feel earned, it feels more like amateur fanfic writers dangling keys infront of a zombie playerbase with no self respect or intelligence to make colors on the screen go brrrrr to entertain the dumbos for abit until the next mandatory grind begins to string them along until the next patch`s key dangling xD
These animations are like ps1 hagrid shit bruh
delayed launch been forever waiting for a patch and its still dogshit laggy and broken on release lol gg blizz
You can tell that when the leak about this wasn't ready maybe until august that wasn't a lie. Shadowlands is just WoD 2.0 nothing but broken promises and people not listening to the community.
The simp is dead. Nathanos no more.
Damn dude the last think you're thinking about when you're going hard on a hype new offering is food. Asmon really just wasn't feeling it at all tbh it just seems like a lot of set pieces and melodrama
Trash game.
game is trash
"Stay close Mawwalker" is the new "A turtle made it to the water."
For a guy who says he doesn't like storylines in games he sure loves the wow cutscenes
Cannot help but think that modern WoW looks like it severely lacks in immersion of sorts, it's like you reading cheapest fantasy book full of cliches.
Started at late BC, dropped at Draenor and at that point game was super weird already. Idk how people enjoying it now, beside just playing by(?) inertia, because of friends or finding joy in pvp and pve gear minmaxing
a new meme has been born this day STAY CLOSE MAW WALKER
ofc they left sigil not guarded O_O
Why wont this game just die already
Watching this after just finishing the Stormblood story really throws into sharp relief how bad the wow story is executed. It just feels like constant asspull after asspull.
Whose Ana?
Stay close maw walker – Blizzard 2021
As someone who had worked with character animation software for about 120 hours, I can say that these cutscene animations are just bad. The lip sync, the janky character movements. Oof
that was lame AF
I am confused how blizzard was like "yep this is done, put it out" How is it that the more money a company makes, the worse the product is?
The worst part about the lag is, that it's not exclusive for the first couple of days.
Even months in, zones been laggy as f. Particular if you tried to do anything in the zone that spawned that week's world boss.
That's an interesting WoW Clone Activision Blizzard has put up.