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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.1 Shadowlands best healer and DPS class video based on real player data so far! This videos covers the most popular DPS and healer classes based on heroic raid week 1 performances (Sanctum of Domination).
I look at the latest class buffs and nerfs and predict how they might impact the meta both in Sanctum of Domination raid and mythic plus content.
Disclaimer: Playing the class than you enjoy the most is the best value for monthly subscription.
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I look at (Resto Druid | Holy Paladin | Mistweaver Monk | Resto Shaman | Holy Priest & Discipline Priest) in Shadowlands Patch 9.1!
00:00 Intro & Important Disclaimer
01:23 Best DPS Charts (Week 1 Heroic)
11:45 Best Healer Charts (Week 1 Heroic)
Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.
External Sources
Healer & DPS raid performance data:
M+ class representation data:
Patch 9.1 Hotfixes for July 12th – Class Tuning, Sanctum of Domination Bugfix:
Amazing healer resource 9.1 Shadowlands:
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the affli buff is kekw. Affliction's ST damage has been gutted so hard (55% nerf) that the only possible senario for aff to play is KT in sanctum and m+ fortified weeks that you actually have very good and fast uncapped aoe.
Switched to MW for a challenge, Rsham got boring in 15s. Getting into pugs is close to impossible, unless it's with a hardcore group who knows they don't need to be carried
Appreciate the vids, keep pogging
Funny thing is mage hunter DH is already broken in PvP so nice 🙁
Aff buff is just lame lol
Beside that, patch looks fine.
Vesper totem is s… on tyranical weeks…
informative vid, only thing I would disagree with is holy paladin not having a hps cooldown that shows up on logs. 30 man ashen hollow is some sheeet.
Havoc is just a meme. Ill be playing Veng and so far pushing 19s and 20s so ez
They need to buff drums ASAP to pre shadowlands value, as a healer the worst thing i can see on the lfg tool is "shaman only" because the group has no hunter/mage/shaman dps, just give us old drums values back.
frost and arcane mages should overthrow fire for this patch then fire can come back next patch
how arm warrior above when in the dps ranking they are bottom and fury are above lol
Honestly just glad Mistweaver is on the top for once. Now if they could give us cheaper spells we would be in a great spot.
Affliction buff is what we call a "band-aid" because Blizzard doesn't know how to remedy it haha.
Survival main baby! We out here! Year of the spear is upon us
Oof. Those Survival Hunter buffs. Kyrian Survival is already a sleeper spec in M+, a friend of mind switched to Survival and his absolutely DESTROYING in M+, being top dps in every 15-16 key.
This is so misleading to holy paladins. Only venthyr holy paladins do that much dmg and most of the holy paladins are kyrian.
Body dust, my life
I've been a Resto Druid main for over a decade… but it looks like this tier will be the first time i'm swapping my main… to Disc Priest! I'm excited! The last time i played Disc in any serious capacity was when it was super broken in Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar. I just wish our Raid Leader wasn't so fixated on HPS meters, lol :/
Glad BM is getting some attention
Kyrian disc is super fun, would love to see 1:30 boons. But, as of right now that 1 min cd from kyrian lego is gonna throw off cds even more. 2 min boon would make it very hard to line SS up unless you want to hold SS for 30 secs. Almost seems like a M+ only lego until renown 57 for the other 1m reduction.
shaman damage receive ridicoulous buffs, meanwhile resto druid with the lowest damage out of the pack cries in the corner
The only reasson i would say for havoc Dh is They Are too easy.
Choas strike choas strike
momentom build Is just Weird you R a dps not a monkey who is jumping Around for dps
meta is just way too Usless unless you want to Use it either on huge pulls or bosses
shame for monks(Which i main monk) who is just getting either nerfs to their Dps or nothing at all
I feel like holy priests are left unwanted. Even if you are a really good player, you can't compete with other classes – even if you have 100% parses – due to the sheer difference of mechanics. The other classes will always beat you and that's just sad.
Which classes dodged buffs/nerfs? 🤔
Mistweaver is my favourite healer, has been for a long time, and right now it feels pretty good to me.
I levelled a pally to 60 and yeah it felt strong but without cooldowns I always felt like I was in panic mode, with cooldowns safe as.
Mistweaver though, I still feel like I'm an active healer, I jump in deal damage, when people start taking big damage I can jump out, quickly heal and jump back in. It isn't as strong as holy but just feels way more consistent.
I also don't feel mana starved yet, I'm always either full or if there's big pulls I'm about half, very rarely do I dip to critical levels, usually only if the tank is really inexperienced. To be fair I'm not currently running high end keys I will soon though and I might feel a change, but I'm not one to panic heal with mistweaver, I'm more than happy to let people sit below full health for a little bit.
😀 I'm Ele/resto Shaman Kyrian since the beginning of SL xD
rip holy paladin
another patch of not pugging m+ cause im not a paladin. its hard to believe blizzard devs given up so badly at attempting to balance their game.
Kind of crazy to change covenant if its working for you. I think Blizzard has lost its mind. So hard to change covenant because you lose everything and have to start over.