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A look at one of the most improved melee DPS specs in Shadowlands, some great Borrowed Powers and Talents being given baseline as well as a crucial rework of Execution Sentence and the addition of Final Reckoning and some great Conduits might have pushed Retribution into FOTM tier.
0:00 RET FOTM?!?!?!
1:27 Positive Changes
3:40 Basic Kit
4:40 WHY Ret’s type of Damage improved
8:05 Burst Rotation
10:20 Talents
11:40 Conduits
13:35 Legendaries
15:50 Covenants
18:50 Minor good/bad points
21:50 Outro
Affliction, Windwalker and Shadow Priest videos are already queued up and will be coming in the next couple of days!
mage mage mage mage mage
Awesome vid. I enjoy the proc-based, reactionary style of combat that Ret has. But, it seems like the cooldown windows force a rigid sequence instead. Do you see the two as acting contrary to each other?
POWERWOLF intro!!! So perfect to open with for a paladin, well done sir!
tyvm as always mate, I'd love to see how Destruction Warlock is looking
if only they replace divine steed with instant transmission during wings 😀
I'm not sure that that Ret Paladin is that complex to play. It seems pretty similar to the FF14 Ninja with the focus on pooling resources for a burst window every 1 minute, and then having them vary slightly based on which 45/1 minute/1.5 minute cooldowns happened to align with that window. With Ninja, what I found was that while you need to hyper optimise your burst window, because of how many resources get expended during the burst period, it's very easy to play the other 75% of the time since most of it is just pooling back for the next burst window.
is there any way i can copy his weakauras and his UI profile… so freaking nice and clean. Love you vids xD
Sent it over to my Muslim friends. Expect your life getting an exiting turn of events bro. Everyone else, keep an eye on the news
By far my favorite youtuber rn. Is saying youtuber cringe? i mean content creator….no, thats not better. Favorite homo sapiens, no homo ofc.
Time to dust off the Scarlet Crusade tabard.
I do miss exorcism. Can still hear the sound effect in my head
And a blue post
I think this guide might be outdated and not true anymore cuz of
And… 12 hours later… Look at what they've done to Execution Sentence 🙁
If my paladin experience has taught me anything, we will be nerfed into the ground, and then they'll flatten the tires on our wheelchair to boot.
Do you executioner first then final verdict? Or the other way around
Any chances to share your weakauras profile?
Right when they nerfing today Ret for Nov 10. Pre Patch Event.
Let’s go guys. We are back . Light be with you
Exec sentence and rinal reck nerfed a day after you make this :c
Amazing analysis, once again, Izen-sama!! Any thoughts on how much Ret is hurt by the new round of nerfs? Planning on maining paladin Prot(PVE) and Ret(PVP).
Really great video, the nerfs immediately after you made it is tragic lol.
Im enjoying every your video. But every video is about raiding or M+. Could you make video for solo casual players. What class is most fun/effective for questing/WQ/Torghast to have easy times in WoW? During BfA i leveled 10 chars to 120 and im 445 ilvl on each one of them (this is solo cap atleast for me). And i cant decide what classes to play in SL start. My favorites character for now are Arms Warrior, BM/MM Hunter, S priest, Prot/Ret Paladin and Sub Rogue.
Unbound chaos is removed?
is there something in shadowlands that reduces execution sentence's holy power cost? I tried mimicking your burst on live and thought i was insane but in yours execution sentence costs 0 holy power?
Walk in light Brothers literally walk
Powerwolf in intro, why wont youtube let me like it twice
I like the job you do, keep up the good work mate !
Love the video, but the rotation does not make sense because you say seraphin—>crusader strike to 4 holy power and then Es (which cost 3 holy power) and then judgement and you says you are back to 5 holy power but in reality you are at two holy power after that rotation? You miss that exucution sentence cost 3 holy power.
my paladin is actually called mujahid, an islamic warrior.
The hot fix nerfs just made paladin have no Burst….. Today was a grim day brothers!!
The divine storm legendary "Tempest of the Lightbringer"s effect (the forward projected divine storm) is not target capped. So that is a nice little bonus, hope it does not change