Read more about Shadowlands ➜
Here’s your guide on what to do in the first weeks of Shadowlands release, from grinding to farming and capping various currencies you need to keep up the power of your characters.
Check out Medivh’s guide!:
My WeakAuras List:
0:00 Shame on you
1:12 Leveling & Reputations
3:53 Covenant Hall & Anima
7:20 The Maw: Stygia
9:10 Torghast: Soul Ash
12:30 Dungeon Farm & Renown
13:45 WEEK 1 RECAP
14:38 Week 2 Changes & RECAP
18:02 The Great Vault & Legendary craft
19:21 WEEK 3 RECAP
19:48 Week 4
22:00 EXTRA TIPS: Conduit storing
22:55 NO WAR MODE & Maw quests
24:05 Torghast tips
24:50 Legendary SLOT craft
27:04 PVP Gear minmax
"you are lazy"
okay keep your voice down, damn
spoon-feed me while you insult me senpai
Subbed after "you guys can't read".
Cant wait to be out of bfa. Got a tuff gaming b450 1660 super crucial m
2 500 sad corsair vengeance ram. Nzht 510 case and a ryzen 5 2600x coming monday for shadowlands cant wait to build it. Just hope it all works when I put it together. Be so said if it doesnt. But that's k I have the pc I use now and it will run it fine but man cant wait for my new build and max out the game
I love Izen is brutally honest telling us we are all lazy shits before spoon feeding us the sauce rofl!!
heyo izen, can you still recommend ret after the recent changes? Did blizz nerf the conduits too hard and ret is bottom tier again?
So if I get this right, you can't fail to get your Stygia cap because the Jailer will only kick you out once you've looted enough Stygia?
carry me daddy
If you relly want to feel like he is explaining something to the special needs children that we are, i recommend watching this at 0.75 speed. It is hilarious
and week 3 cyberpunk goes live and all of shadowlands go baren for couple of days lol
10 seconds in and you already won me over forever
As someone who hasn't played since Legion, i wouldn't mind some refreshers on M+, its Affixes, how keystones work as well as some other tricks like armor stacking, and such…
To be frank, i am a boomer that lost all memories about how these systems worked back then xD
Spoon feed me 😆
Amazing video bro! Thank you.
I love you! Spoon feed me bitch!
What does "an armor stack group" mean?
>5 days
>Nov 21, 2020
How is Torghast 6 wings, when the map shows 7? I’ve been hearing every YouTuber say this, but I’m just now seeing the map to be able to count it lol. Not debating, but the map clearly has 7 wings laid out in three sections.
so many system I am tired of it already and I am in 9 minute of the vid 😀
im sorry izenD:
ill make it up to u ;}
rly good summary ! thank u so much for your efforts! <3 rly appreciate <3 keep it up
tnx it was great <3
5 days? I waited till now
Stygia every day sounds like a grind.
love the first segment
Shame! Shame! Shame! /dinnnng /dinnng /dinnng !
"You guys can't read" Jokes on you, I cant hear either.
Well i read a guide from medivh but i like your vids so i watch it again lol
How do the gear sources look for those of us who raid but generally do not do 5-man content? Is there enough loot from other places?
This content is gold, I can't imagine the time and effort you've put into creating all these deep yet succinct guides over the past few weeks! Much appreciated man, keep it up and I do indeed feel like a lazy fuck now 😀
I haven't looked at shit waiting for your video, please grind all this shit and feed it to me on a tube, thanks.
so shadowlands is time consuming shit?
Spoon-feed me daddy
Who is here with literally the amount of time left that the install takes? :}
Is your planning/calendar spreadsheet publicly viewable? I don't see a link
So izen I could wait for week 4 if myth Raid opens and craft before a t3 legendary with ilvl225?! 🤔
im mostly here to be insulted
I clicked on this fully ready to be berated and fuck did you deliver 🥰
Other youtubers: Hello guys! How are you? I hope you have a great day!
Izen: You guys are lazy! You can't read! You have to be spoon-fed!
The best intro 😀