Shadowlands; A Depressing State of Affairs!

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This was before the announcement of Shadowlands Patch 9.2 but following the events of the announcement of Eternity’s End I have not changed my mind.

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20 thoughts on “Shadowlands; A Depressing State of Affairs!”

  1. Won't happen while Danuser is in charge. I guarantee he hasn't thought for even 5 seconds about any of this. With someone who can actually tell stories in charge, yeah you could build on stuff and make it make sense. But Danuser is a no talent hack.

  2. Speaking about Kyrian and mind control the latest leak on who’s the next arbiter was a curveball. Also, what if Sylvanas got dominated when she met the jailer after her suicide. It’s a stretch can explain some of the shit character development she had.

  3. the worst part about the shadowlands is that they are soooo fucking boring. like, it's almost literally a whole new universe. blizzard had a golden opportunity to go balls to the wall with creativity and throw most WoW convensions out the window.

    instead, you get boring same old same old. the literal HELL of the warcraft universe is grey and boring.

  4. Stopped being invested in the Warcraft lore back when I had to fight my Warchief Garrosh and blizzard turned my character in traitor and after that point blizzard only invested into destroying the Horde and twist it into the red Alliance.

  5. Personally, i wasnt hyped for this one at all. I blamed bfa for that, but while i had hoped they wouldnt pull a shadowlands, thats exactly what they did. Not at all unexpected, tho it did snuff out that last flame of hope i had for wow. Then the whole lawsuit shit started, and, yeah….

  6. I have a hard time watching wow videos let alone thinking of playing. The whole ordeal is very depressing. They need to bring in a product CEO and reinvent or sell the IP to someone who will.

  7. Hard stuff to chew on but when you have other games do lore so damn well looking back at wow you go "why should I even care" and get hooked on other stuff that is planed out better and presented better. It's like you have the same cup of coffee every day then move in with someone that is a master at making it, now you are hooked and want that better coffee all the time and go man I can't believe I can have this when all I had was my boring bland stuff all the time.

  8. 6:15 Im sorry but the sub i pay is for the now , im not gonna pay them monthly for the chance that their bad story might actually make sense a year or two from now , you can establish plot threads and future storylines without making the current story awful.

  9. I tired of everything being about the undead queen. It gets old. I tired of blizzard screwing leaders of the horde and alliance , I tired of blizzard killing off npcs we love. They didnt have to do any of that. There is no ATTEMPT to create stories and quests of intrigue anymore. Lets just kill faction hero's piss of the players. Lets make alliance look like complete idiots and the horde as an honorless people. They made thrall a cheat and murderer, and turns his back on everything as he puts a known violent, anti alliance ,douchebag as the chieftain. The undead queen was at one point a decent character as she concerned herself with those who suffered like her, took up the mantle as their crusader.

  10. You’re excited for the lore? Why? The lore has nothing to do with WarCraft. It doesn’t matter how good of a story they tell in it (and Danuser cares nothing for story, only his world structure), they’ve fundamentally broken the IP.

  11. I was definitely not going "oh my god yes please" at the start of shadowlands when Sylvanas ripped open the sky. I was groaning that we would have to deal with Sylvanas for an entire expansion again.


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