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Episode 1 of my Weekly Recap series. I discuss my view of Shadowlands being the most Alt Friendly expansion in my opinion, and whether or not Threads of Fate leveling is efficient, as well as some quick tips for Torghast.
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#alts #threadsoffate #shadowlands
Link to Brewmaster Torghast Week 1 Video:
If you go inside the Sanguine depths dungeon, theres a quest for 750 anima if you complete the dungeon for anyone who's lazy and dont want to grind anima via world quests etc.
Thanks for the alt leveling tips!
Right on time. I was just thinking about whether to go with Threads of Fate with my alt. Cheers Quazii
I am jumping on the torghast vid right now!!!
SL is looking amazing, been loving my prot war/arms playstyle on M0's.
Just feeling a bit lost on torghast, will def check it right now!
Thanks for.another amazing material!
You are hands down the best content creator when it comes to wow. Thank you for what you do.
Good video! Love the expansion, its been a blast! Got two charecters to ilvl 170 and now leveling my beloved Prot Warrior! Keep it up my friend!
Cam area looking alot better bro, thanks for the video!
2 daily quests and weekly torghast then have fun with dungeons. Nice! That is super nice. Makes me feel like I really will be able to upkeep 2 toons, maybe even a third of I feel really ambitious. Thanks for the video, this was really enlightening as I was just wondering exactly this question. Do you think there will be more added to do for each toon or will the amount of “upkeep” be relatively the same through the expansion?
MM is amazing i am enjoying shadowlands so far
Hey quazii! Thanks for your guides, they saved me from wiping many dungeons
Hey man what interface are you using? Is that like a pre bundled one? Thanks for any info.
Do you recommend sitting on cashing in the anima drops from world quests if you've already done you 1,000 for the week so you can quickly get it finished after next reset?
Hey im curious i skipped the threads of fate and went straight in to dungeon spam to get 60 on my alt. Do i have to do the thread campaign still? Is it a (must)? To unlock some content on your alt?
Excellent content, again.
Thanks for the tip about only needing to clear the top layer of the second wing. My friends and I played through all of them and had no idea we could skip a bunch of stuff. So far the most time consuming thing for me has been doing m0s. As my friends and I were pretty poorly geared going in (craft BoEs, one or two heroic items, maybe an item from a calling) clearing all of them while learning all the new mechanics was a lot of fun but took a looong time. Regardless, we've made some great memories and can't wait for the raid. I've also plugged your guides and your UI with them so you might get some new subscribers soon.
New cam? looks sharp.
Awesome as always! I'll be watching again to get the little secret to lvl the alts… tks, man! Have fun!
what about stygia
Its alt friendly compared to last expansion, but i would go as far as saying alt friendly overall…