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  1. Hi Supa! Thx for the content. I'm returning from a couple months off and was hoping you could do a video outlining what to do to prepare my main for 9.2 competitive pvp. I'm overwhelmed with Renown, legendary progression (mine is rank 2 lol), etc. That would be amazing!

  2. Agree with everything you said. Thank you for sharing. Blow this up because this should be a rated thing people care about. There are so many cool ways they could tweak this so that it's even cooler and better rewards. Imagine each map has a different cool unique boss maybe even a dragon etc. It could be so cool! Pve and pvp players could do it. Which would absolutely be a first where those players actually play together for fun and not because they were forced. Nice work.

  3. I agree with what you said about how it brings all the elements of wow together, including a use of tanks in arena that isn’t annoying.
    Definitely a brawl that stands out from the others

  4. Man its so frustrating that blizzard can obviously design fun things for players to do but then they just restrict it because "waiting for christmas is what makes christmas magical" or some trivial shit rather than just designing a game.

  5. The problem with brawls, all of them(15v15 can be fun) is the long queue and lack luster rewards, one weekly quest that grants you 110conq and 40 from the win, with the current 40% buff to rewards thats 3 arena wins in 3v3. Not worth it considering you can be queued with a fresh 60 with no versatility whatsoever

  6. You hit the nail on the head here. Brawls are a unfortunately neglected part of the game which so sad because they allow players to try out new play styles and builds.

    Having this pvp mixed with pve content that gives epic BG's their fun potential scaled down to a more manageable format is something I'd like to see expanded upon.

    I go as far as to say having sets of rated battleground maps in something like a weekly rotation should be something that could be consider.

  7. It has been around forever and honestly is kind of ass IMO. PVP is fun because it is dynamic this adds a static bot that has a set rotation. Last one I did I found myself staring at the clock while feeling bad about killing the 38k hp rogue for the 15th time.

  8. When you think about it, this is what they where going to do at big scale for bfa with warfronts but decided in early development that it was too much work and just made them pve.

  9. I like this guys videos generally speaking but am I missing some kind of inside joke with that really deep voice he puts on at the start when he goes "GGGUUUUUUUUDDD MORNING GOOD AFTERNOON AND GOOD EVENING…"? I genuinely find myself not watching his videos because I can't stand it.

  10. Thank you for this. I didn’t know about the brawl. I think it’s dope and you make some good points. Hopefully this will reach someone at blizzard to add your ideas. You should submit your suggestions to them and post a link to this video lol. Brawls are like a catch 22. You can have so much fun. I remember the pumpkin patch one. I had no idea it existed and I didn’t want it to go away. It was like king of the hill and capture the flag at the same time. Then it gets rotated it out. It would be nice if some brawls were added permanently. This brawl should be permanent with your different rewards idea. Maybe this brawl could reward raid currency/raid portion of the weekly chest as well. They do have that pvp/raid gear changer now which is awesome for us who pvp to get a chance at other loot

  11. I tried this out and yeah, it's a super fun brawl. I like the one healer configuration – it speeds things up a lot and keeps things really dynamic. They should definitely try running it for a season with rating. Either as a solo queue or as an RBG-type thing. As a brawl it suffers from things like people leaving or not accepting queue (and you're left in a 3v5 which is just not fun to play). Great idea, terrible execution, as always.

  12. this is one of my fav brawls.

    but it sucks because i often wait 20 mins in Q before it pops, and my team never listens
    also like u said theres no rewards.

    its sad that the fun stuff gives u nothing but the boring crap like torghast/korthia has all the goodies

  13. I'm not gonna lie. Several brawls are actually super fun. Just too bad Blizzard doesn't want us to play it.. We're forced to do garbage content because all the things we need to play the game come from the worst parts of the game.

  14. I would enjoy it more if it had rating.
    But my enemies are not good enough and we steamroll them easily.
    I'd like to see interesting strats to develop, I'd like to see this as a new Rated PvP format, probably as either 5v5 RBG or 6v6 RBG.
    It doesn't have to be called Battleground, but some form of objective-based PvP with 5-6 players would be really great.
    10v10 RBGs are just too much, too many players.

  15. Some Brawls are WAAAY more fun than most of the old boring BGs… I don't know why they don't just replace them. And casual PVPers… click something else then random BG already… cmon.


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