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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.0.2 Shadowlands best DPS ranking video based on real people information. This video looks at heroic Castle Nathria DPS class performance including early M+ data.
I also talk about the latest DPS class nerfs and buffs and how they might impact them in raids and mythic plus.
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I look at (Unholy Death Knight | Havoc Demon Hunter | Balance Druid | Marksmanship Hunter | Assassination Rogue | Destruction Warlock | Arms & Fury Warrior) in Shadowlands!
00:00 Intro,
01:07 Raid Performance
14:46 Dungeon Performance
Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.
External Sources
Heroic Castle Nathria DPS Rankings:
Mythic+ Rankings (SL Season 1):
Windfury Totem Estimations:
More Upcoming Class Tuning for December 15th – Balance Druid, Marksmanship Hunter, Unholy DK Nerfs:
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Rough times for us Fury Warriors, but it's so much fun to play
Balance and Feral doing at least OK? Oh hell, more nerfs incoming…
I changed to warlock this expansion and it actually feels weid to play this class because I know I have an almost secured spot on raid but when it comes to m+ , unless you have a group of friends, there's no way you get a spot, I struggle a lot finding groups in m+ to gear myself even thought i perform quite well in raid
As an old warlock main. I think one of the specs needs to just be the m+ spec and be really good at it. One of the specs is always dead. In like every form of content you just play aff or destro if its broken.
Unholy is still feeling great with the nerfs.
They need to make aff dots tick harder and be applied to multiple mobs in half the globals
Hi Boys 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️
Any news on Elemental Shaman?
FERAL!!!!!!!! MEOW about damn time am I right?
As a Fury Warrior – i cry at night…. pretty sure im only a raider due to my shouts. But, my dk is lvl'ing nicely….:/
Demon hunter should be abit higher after todays hotfix Choas Strike rank 3 was bugged causing single target to suffer
Eh the nerf isn't too bad I went from 60% to 40% and I'm only 194 ilvl
incredible! Shadowlands is the current hype. Forget about naxx ha
Warlock is heavily undertuned for m+ content, it is true we bring utility, but so do the other classes. Aff setup requires a lot of time and we do not have any means of spreading dots outside seed of corruption, destro is just low numbers now with no mobility due to m+ mechanics and demo is dead. We need easier spred options for aff, destro a bit of dmg tuning/buff outside infernals, demo overhaul.
Can we get some math on whether the warrior buff is even worth it?
Frost DK still stagnant besides 2H change. Really needs some overhauling.
Riddle: What can’t talk but will reply when spoken to ??
I am crushing the meters with fury kekw
doesnt say a single word about frost dks shows how much nobody gives a fuck about them and they will never make them good
This is actually the Problem with my WW Monk, even if someone who has the meters in front of him doesnt see that they are doing good. Everybody thinks they still suck…
Whenever anyone talks about mages they completely ignore Arcane for the last 3 expansions.
Whenever anyone talks about warlocks they completely ignore Demonology for the last 3 expansions.
It really isn't their playstyle, it's their damage output. They're both pretty weak and the other 2 specs of each class have been stronger for ages.
Why are Blizzard okay with having them in the game if they don't like them?
I was worried that I would be a gimped rogue as a druid haha… I guess i was wrong. However, sub rogue has been fun
Are you gonna make a vid if dk tank is viable again? I think a lot of people would be interested in that topic!
I got 2nd on meters during the huntsman fight last night. I think it was a one off as I've never had that many procs in my mage life. The boomchicken still destroyed me. I parced 98% and the chicken parced 74………………………..
I saw so many pre-patch saying feral druid was near bottom tier…
All frost needs is a buff that when the enemy is cc damages bonuses frost mages or all classes should do more damage to enemies when slowed or chilled
As an Arms player, I feel like Blizzard has been spitting on me for years. Haste and mastery they say! What BS