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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.0.5 Shadowlands best healer ranking prediction video based on real people information. This video looks at Mythic Castle Nathria healer performance including M+ healer data. I also look the 9.0.5 patch notes and predict how they might impact healer Legendary & Covenant ability choices!
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I look at (Resto Druid | Holy Paladin | Mistweaver Monk | Resto Shaman | Holy Priest & Discipline Priest) in Shadowlands Patch 9.0.5!
00:00 Intro & Disclaimer
01:02 Ranking Explanation
01:47 Mistweaver Monk
03:38 Holy Priest
05:51 Restoration Druid
10:09 Discipline Priest
11:55 Holy Paladin
16:58 Restoration Shaman
22:07 M+ Summary
23:16 Raid Balance
Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.
External Sources
Raid & M+ healer performance data:
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I would love to see a KSM video; this video was great!
Absolutely can't wait to see the KSM video! Great content as always.
I disagree. My holy paladin has no problem in pugs with bursting etc (225ilvl). Beacon of virtue+divine toll is group Lay on hands.
Would love to see a disorganised group tier list
I mean, MW didn't change significantly, neither did Holy pala after nerf, shaman has less damage , priest is better in raid and single target but no mitigation, disc nerfed, resto druid buffed
.so yeah, holy pala resto shaman disc at top, then resto druid, holy and mw at the end
Wait i didn't see the video before commenting was i right ?
Verdant infusion is super Strong too, but we lost the Azerite trait that added another hot , and worked with the extra charge of switfmend
holy priest isn't secretly strong. It's been strong. the community just likes to hate and discount things they think are "easy"
so one of the biggest things that need to change about healers is mass DR. mass DR is why MW resto druid and holy priest will never be top tier.
the best way to fix this is to remove mass DR from all healers and stick them on tanks since DR is a tank thing not a healer. a healer heals damage not prevent it.
What is that website that’s shows overall %
Currently my Holy Paladin sits at 99-100% mana through the entire fight. This 'nerf' to Holy Shock feels like being given a $5 ticket for driving 200 KPH in a school zone and running down 5 kids… It's not a nerf, it's more like "hey see, we even ticketed that guy"… Now I expect to spend the entire fight resting around 98-99% mana.
My other healer is a mistweaver, and yeah, I feel the difference pretty severely. I feel like one of my toons is being treated like a celebrity and the other like a 'filthy peasant'… And the buff to Mistweaver was like when some jerk gives a waiter a 5-cent tip. It just looks like it was intended as an insult rather than a fix.
What I don’t understand is that you kept saying most healers need to be venthry for M+, but pallys don’t because their pallys?…Sounds like BS to me bro…
I’m plebbing for the KSM vid. Can’t wait.
Mistweaver in keys isn't bad. We don't bring as much utility as other healers, but there are plenty of us few remaining Mistweavers timing 20+ keys. The real issue is people need to learn to make friends and not pug so often, an organized group of pals can make any comp work. That being said, we all saw Holy Pally being king in m+ at the start when we saw the damage they could do compared to other healers…that damage component needs the most tweaking for healers imo
Ready for rdruid to become s tier overnight?
Would love to see the ksm video. Resto shaman FTW!
"The meta is dese tree healers"
The problem with Mistweaver M+ is the playstyle is all over the place, and it feels really chaotic, messy, and unsatisfying – you can't just fistweave, you can't just mistweave, and the 2 playstyles do not go well together
I never drink on my holy pala but its because of pride. Lowest I've got is just below 1/2 mana but pride always comes to top me back up. Once pride is gone paladin will drink
lust is a reason shaman are picked over others also
I have a pala, priest, druid and shaman. I only do 15 keys so im not a high key player. But in 15s i find druid the best at 9.0.5 along with shaman and paladin. I think all of the 3 is very close, even though my main is disc priest and been for 10 years. But the buffs druids has got is so strong. My rejunivation is tigging 3k per hit witj soul of the forest and 5k per tig with the buff in swarm from necrolord
2% extra mana isn't much but I hope the mana on H.Pal isn't too nerfed in the future. By their nature they get nothing out of spamming Flash of Light, so their resource control lies in the holy power and cooldowns. Not having to stop for mana is of course an advantage. I feel the same should go for Disc and Mistweaver.