Shadowlands BEST KSM HEALER? Season One (M+) All Healing Class Ranking | WoW 9.0.5

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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.0.5 Shadowlands best KSM healer ranking video based on real people information and my experiences. This is looking at achieving β€œShadowlands Keystone Master: Season One” achievement and analyzing every healing spec in terms of providing best chances.

Disclaimer: Playing a healer that you enjoy will always yield the best results!

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I look at (Resto Druid | Holy Paladin | Mistweaver Monk | Resto Shaman | Holy Priest & Discipline Priest) in Shadowlands Patch 9.0.5!

00:00 KSM & Ranking Explanation
02:55 Discipline Priest
05:30 Holy Paladin
08:31 Restoration Druid
11:22 Mistweaver Monk
14:22 Holy Priest
17:14 Restoration Shaman
20:00 Summary

Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.

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18 thoughts on “Shadowlands BEST KSM HEALER? Season One (M+) All Healing Class Ranking | WoW 9.0.5”

  1. What would be your opinion with regards to the MW monk with Jade Serpent Statue build? A lot of MW players I am seeing in Youtube are playing this build for pushing KSM

  2. I was on my resto shaman doing a +14 mists the other night, telling the 2 I group with in discord "I wanna heal as a holy paladin. oh, I'll only interrupt the parasite as usual."

    I get parasite, and then consumption goes off. No interrupt for 2-3 seconds, so I get it, then go "nevermind."

    So yeah, I love wind shear. I would also say spirit link is one of the best CDs in the game, but that's me.

  3. Disclaimer: Playing a healer that you enjoy will always yield the best results! You absolutely do not need to play a certain class to get KSM – this video just documents my experiences.

  4. Always enjoy list videos like this! I definitely feel like Hpally should have been at least one tier higher though. I agree if you try running the build that the top-end Hpallies are running in a pug for KSM it’d probably be a bit of a shit show, but I’d guess the vast majority of Hpallies are not running that build. I’m sure there are a lot who run Ashen Hollow instead of Divine Toll, but most Hpallies at the KSM level aren’t going to be running the Mad Paragon legendary. Personally I use Kyrian/Shock Barrier and I can still easily burst 20k+ dps on a pack with pot, wings, lightforged racial, and diving toll. I wouldn’t do that if I was not running with a coordinated group, but in a pug situation I would just focus on healing more and it’d be easy AF. Just my 2 cents

  5. I hate pugging with disc so it doesn't surprise me to see it at the bottom. Love playing my shaman and occasionally my mistweaver in pugs more. Makes sense to see the list reflect this.


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