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Read more about Shadowlands ➜
Streaming often @ 11pm est
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imo one of the best videos you've put out. Super helpful having the commentary more focused on mistakes and it was nice that you included you playing a few different comps in one video.
Thanks i think videos like this (arena reviews) help me improve the most.. even if it’s a review of other shadow priest too
GOOD STUFF, love the content <3
I play a dk and a resto sham and your vids like this even help me out with a class I don’t play or even play with. Just teaches me a lot especially dealing with spriest. Also the renown and conduits is pretty much just pve easiest/ quickest way is to just look at world quests and see if the ones you want pop up or do your daily callings they give renown and have a chance to drop conduits
will you upload any 2v2 games? 🙂 would love to see how you would approach 2v2 as a spriest in duo dps or dps/healer comps
My best advice for conduits is check the world quests every reset, get whatever you can bc the random upg item isnt spec specific. It's bullshit, also get raid finder conduits, basically get the highest level conduits you can from whatever source, so that when you do korthia dailies and shit your rando item gets you something useful.
Do you know what legendary / cov dippi is running with your comp? I play the same comp and I see him running the Kyrian covenant LEGO with warrior but not sure what he runs with owl play , sorry that this isn’t an spriest question
I always appreciate the vids, I don't even play shadow priest but your detailed gameplay/breakdowns are really helpful for arena in general.