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Hello everyone in this video I will share my thought on the shadowlands HEALER rankings for mythic + I hope you find it useful and it helps you to choose your main, ENJOY!
0:00 Intro
1:02 Holy Priest
2:42 Disc. Priest
4:14 Resto. Shaman
6:01 Mistweaver Monk
7:48 Resto. Druid
9:24 Holy Paladin
10:58 T.L.D.W.
#Shadowlands #WowShadowlands #mythicplushealer #besthealermythicplus #ChooseyourHEALER
Can you actually have white hair on pandaren like on the thumbnail?
Soo Drood again S Tier?
Great video. We appreciate you!
When healers are ranked based on their damage you know there is something wrong with the game design.
I really think shamans is becomming meta. My prediction anyways
Shaman has no cd outside of spirit link? So no cloudburst or healing tide totem or earthenwall? And for spread I’m pretty sure shamans are going to go pwave which makes up for spread hps
Great content.. as always straight to the point(s) and informative.
I mained resto druid in bfa and played a lot mw aswell, but more in pvp (both glad s1, s2, s3) …
I quit in s4 due to corruption and i am thinking about getting back to the game on a more pve focused level. So thanks for this overview 😉 very helpful.
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