Shadowlands Beta vs Live Prepatch – Frost Death Knight Obliterate Damage

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Frost Death Knight video comparing 2 handed frost death knight obliterate damage on Shadowlands Beta vs Prepatch. Discussing the difference in damage and discussing why. World of Warcraft video.

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33 thoughts on “Shadowlands Beta vs Live Prepatch – Frost Death Knight Obliterate Damage”

  1. I have been actually having fun leveling my frost dk. Feels like it was back in wrath. I'm a casual so I doubt I'll notice the differences those who have been maining it for years. But I'm happy with what it has for now

  2. I was dueling a paladin…criting him for a stable 800 dmg when all of a sudden i got hit by 24k hammer 🔨
    And this other time a mm hunter literally 2 shoted me from out of camouflage 😁

  3. Well as SL is still not released they can tune, change and buff or nerf things.. So maybe some DKs to make couple of fucking threads in the fucking forum, and complain about the shitty DMG we need MOP, WOD and Legion kind of DMG BACK… After all no everyone enjoy the shitty UH spec witht he fucking pet, so we are forced to play Frost alone, as Blood si tank and i dont like to tank anymore…

  4. Nah I dont care I'm fuckin DONE with blizz's roller coaster of bullshit i told them if they actually did that then peace this is what blizz does "here we r bringing back 2H for frost yay" behind the scenes " ok guys we hooked them NERF NERF NERF NOW U IDIOTS" while pally and alot of other classes get a goddamn red carpet…whatever hope u guys have fun

  5. I bet burst will be toned down at lvl60 for all classes along with versatility. I would prever conversion or death syphon back as talents and perma frost baseline. Maybe a talent row with conversion, death syphon and blood presence, renamed tho, to suit more the frost theme.

    Offensive and magic def seems quit good at lvl60. But dunno, just regarding duels, which i kinda love, frost dk is still way behind unholy dk. Since casters are borderline op in everything pvp related in SL i'd rather play unholy dk with the ams legendary to get that sweet 24 sec ams and still hit them with pets and on range while they kite me when its off cd.

    With just a few minor changes fdk could be as fun and great as he was during WoD, but i guess its shadow priest's time in the spotlight.

  6. what are those crits like in pvp tho? considering crit is still a bit nerfed in pvp. I was watching venruki's stream and he was saying that the pvp crit nerf has been lifted a little bit. i think he was saying that crit damage has been increased by 0.5

  7. Im pretty sur i also read somewhere that the nerfs were changed. That we got nerfed going into pre patch but its different in shadowlands but i dont pay attention to pvp so this video doesnt apply to me. Good video tho

  8. I still think Frost needs a buff… or other classes need to get nerfed more. They need to revert some of the nerfs they did to frost or atleast give then a blanket buff to their damage.


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