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World of Warcraft Shadowlands had so much promise but as with most things, tiny little mistakes ultimately ruined the games potential.
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I left Twitter years ago. I really don't see a purpose for this thing.
Dear god Accolonn can you not shut up about it? You say that we've talked about it as COUPLE of times before. How about every few hours? You never stop, you like a terrier worrying a rat. Just be quiet. You speak as though you talk for everyone. You don't. So be quiet. God, listening to you spoils what little enjoyment I get from the game.
What is the word? Uberus?
It bombed because:
– using old systems people are tired of.
– destroying established lore for a trendy new one.
– closed off and confined environments.
– lackluster cinematic.
– A boring main antagonist with no prior build up.
– more boring grinding.
– alt unfriendly despite claims of being otherwise.
– the general attitude of the company in a time where they should be trying to be humble.
Also Ion hates you. He hates me. He hates every single player of WoW. Utterly despises us, and he would sooner burn us all from his game than give us any kind of reward for using his work.
Wonder when the Bald one will watch this
Crapdowlands failed for me when I got in beta. Got max lvl and was met with many sad quests before I was supposed to do the same old daily chores.
For me I think Blizzard Activision needed this failure to happen and for its competition to truly be revealed in FFXIV, They for so long had no competition but now? They are bleeding players, the fans are unhappy and the morale of the devs themselves is at an all time low, if there was any point Wow needed a complete look over of its roadmap and what it wants to be its now more then ever…
I agree. You are right. The lack of communication was terrible. The problem with Corona is for me a stupid argument from Blizzard. Two or three years ago there were Q&As about the state of WOW and today? Nothing!! We don't know nothing about the next WOW expantion. BlizzConline 2022 was canceled. Every damn publisher talks with the community but Blizzard does nothing. You are right.
It failed due to Steve Danuser and his awful writing
The old developers who set the roots for WoW, ones who made the game they themselves loved, didn't have such hubris. Sure, there was some sense of pride, but only to an extent, which is perfectly normal. Danuser, Ion and others however are full of themselves to the core.
It really kinda sucks. FFXIV's endgame kinda blows chunks. The game's combat feels like a slow and clunky asian MMO that's been ported to Western Audiences. The story is great in FFXIV but that's about as much as I can say. If you don't have a static (and GL, there literally aren't enough players who have two functioning brain cells to do hard content) you can't do anything in the game. And finding a guild is 100000000000x easier (even with the current lack of players) to find a guild than it is to find a decent static. The FFXIV mentality of "Let's fail TOGETHER GUYS UWU I DON'T VALUE MY TIME AND I DON'T CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES ME TO GET DECENT!!!" is fucking infuriating and leads to an overabundance of dogshit players who have no business trying end-game content but are nudged into it by an overly supportive playerbase.
All the players expectations were not met. We were teased by Arthas and we still did not see him. We want more interactions with those big dead heroes but we are still "picking up mushrooms and killing rats" :). Boring leveling (for me) with nothing innovative, the same old s…t but worse, because we actually have no connection to these new zones and characters. Main story is always quick to go dry with nothing interesting to bring up that will make me connect to this expansion. I doubt they play their own game with passion, otherwise the game would be much different than it is.
"fastest selling expansion of all time."
it's a failure TO YOU because YOU quit.
if you really wanted to effectively blizzard doom you could ask whether aiming to hire more female/nonbinary devs than the best devs for the job is harming the game.
The WORST PART of shadowlands is the player base. Most of what's left are either ultra elite players or people who "arent" but seemingly boosted 60s with NO IDEA what they are doing.
Even leveling alts is plagued and riddled with people who are just clueless AF or leave after dying. Vital roles like tanks or healers are far too short and far in between
lol … what about the eternal grind, every new patch is a new grind, and all the results of the old grind are lost for ever?! … once i've dipped my toes in Gw2's horizontal progress … I said … oh my … and what i did before will matter forever? and all the gear is bis if you have the right build? and you can craft it all? the trade system works and you can really make some honest gold out of it? all these systems, with only 300 employees and a 1time pay game … wow is the past now, will only watch wow creators on youtube to get the news of content and whatever cinematics they pull out in the future …
Why would they tell people…. That means people would unsub and it’s the money that matters.
Even if they did announce what was going on it would have been in a soulless press release written by a committee and focus group tested. If FFXIV had anything even a fraction of that, Yoshi would have done a live stream, apologized in person and accepted responsibility, and laid out everything going on in painstaking detail directly to the players.
I don't want to turn everything into a WoW vs. FF, but on how situations like this are handled this is 100% a striking difference regardless of whether you like the game itself, and the WoW team could learn a lot if they cared to pay attention.
True and real.
"Why they didn't tell us there will be a 9 months drought ? They didn't have the decency to informed there will be nothing for 9 months " From our perspective that's completely right, it would be nice to inform us, but to answer of that question, think from their point of view or rather I should say from the point of any company who sells their product.
"We know that you spend your money on our game, but sadly there will be a 9 months drought, so unfortunately you will buy 9 months subscription for almost nothing. So, sure you are free to go to play other games". This is the bigest kick in the balls possible. That's suicide for any company. One is to announce a one day delay or a week, a month and another is 9 months. The problem is that it was a 9 month delay, not the fact that they didn't announce it, no company will do such a thing and not necessarily in the gaming world.
Ion is a slime ball lawyer first , should of been moved out of the position a long time ago. The game is more then a handful of raid encounters .
The dev's don't care about warcraft
Well blizzard, were only numbers, but the numbers have shrunk massivel, you would think they care. Maybe we arent even numbers, maybe we are less than that.
Ooh! Let me try before watching the video!
1) Tying an RP choice with power that players warned about and said they didn't like
2) Said choices not being choices due to poor balance between them, that players warned about
3) Limiting how often you can change your mind, even though players warned about it and said they didn't like
4) Overly complex systems that don't need to exist
5) The poor balance that stems from unnecessarily complex systems
6) Tying power to Torghast that players warned about, which also made it a chore
7) The continuation of daily and weekly chores that is the digital equivalent of doing the dishes, and overall too much grinding (muh engagement metrics)
8) The Maw (the big scary place) not really being finished at launch and even after changes uninteresting
9) The destruction of the lore and lazy writing
10) A generic villain that comes out of nowhere and has no build up or development
11) In the upcoming final patch, removing any amount of nuance or sympathy the villain actually had
12) Not being friendly to alts even though that was a big selling point
12) Another large selling point simply being giving players back things they took away
13) Refusing to listen to any of the useful feedback they got starting from the announcement, continuing with what they wanted to do that players said they didn't like
14) General hostility towards the players
15) continuing the cycle of ignoring feedback into finally addressing concerns far too late after everyone left
16) Blizzard/Activision being a terrible company with scandal after scandal, including sexual harassment so bad one of their employees killed herself (seriously, fuck you)
17) The company firing people to save a buck when they are pulling in record profits
18) Being one of the worst paying jobs in the entire industry, bleeding talent and experience leading to inferior products
19) Lack of communication
20) Huge delays with content, far beyond what is due to the pandemic
21) Not dealing with the huge issue they created for themselves with boosting due to their own greed
22) Ignoring huge parts of the game that have been neglected for a decade such as PvP; and when they were going to make changes that is just going back to what was in the game a over two decades ago, still couldn't get it right on the first try
23) Adding UI elements as an exciting new feature even though addons have been doing it for about 20 years now
I feel like I'm forgetting A LOT but seriously fuck Blizzard. They have one of the most loyal and passionate fan bases, they pull in billions of dollars, they have one of the greatest franchises of all time, and they are fucking it all up!
I laugh when people say SL is bad because of the story, as if the story hasn't been dog shit since the end of Cataclysm.
Because the company betrayed the players. Because they HATE the players. SL isn't THAT bad, I just HATE Blizzard.
The major failure is the hype. Blizzard generated so much hype through the prepatch and intro cinematics, yet fail to deliver the hype, and completely miss the target that player are hyping for. I recall from 1 of the interviews with dev team, a developer said something along the line that "we design the game, and you have to play the way we want you to play or there won't be any fun", something like that.