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War Within Tanks have been through a rollercoaster ride throughout the beta with multiple changes and an overall nerf to all of them as well! If you were always afraid to start playing one because you need a wow tanking guide for every class, you need wow tank addons or you just can’t decide which one to pick because of all these war within tank tier list videos, fret not! I’m breaking down why you should start tanking and how good it will serve you in the long run 🙂 Plus some nice wow tanking tips.
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Ive always been a healer since retail wotlk, but I decided to try tanking this expansion! And i really love it haha. The only thing i hated was the routes of m+ but when i figured you could download others routes everything is soo much more fun!!
Druid bear 4evr
Whatever. I do not enjoy tanking anymore. It sucks badly. Tanking feels like a dps kiting mobs for them to be killed because the tank died. Like healers had not enough to do already.
I do not enjoy tanking anymore. Tanks feel like dps kiting mobs.
Im dipping my toes into the water of tanking. For those that want to try but like me are a little anxious: there is a macro you can use to totally hide the chat window… Lol. Just do your run and ignore your group. Don't worry about what they think- if it goes south youll just get a group again in 10 seconds 😅
There may be a lack of tanks and healers in the endgame, but getting there is not easy.
Trying to find raid as a healer, every raid with 10+ dps already have 3-5 healers (and 2 tanks)
Doing Delves to gear up, if you dont want to go insane from the frustration you better change to another build.
Leaving normal dungeons for healers to get gear, 1:3 ratio with DPS and still almost instant and very little change to get above 600
Only tanks anyone should be playing is war/DH. Everything else is paper.
I was a former main tank for the last two expansions and got annoyed from dps in high keys. So I stopped, got my mage back on and switch off my brain and just follow my tank in keys as any other usual wow player.
LOL yeah imagine playing a tank and you get into a group and then tell them you want to dps….yeah then whos gonna tank
The fact this video exists, and needs to exist, is why there are no Tanks. I used to MT for my Raid guilds back in the day but M+ absolutely killed it for me…. even in guild or friend groups I hated it. A lot of it was due to the required trash percentage with routes changing weekly due to affixes while chasing the timer. Even today, we've had Raid Tanks who go DPS for keys.
OR you play healer. Instant invite whenever I want to do literally ANYTHING. Not easy but if you get into it it’s very satisfying
the last two raids my guild did we had to pug a tank.. half my guild is dps or heals so some of us are learning how to tank. hence why im here. i do have some exerpiance tanking in wotlk and cata. which is funny conten was harder back then. i dont know why i dont tank now. it has nothing to with lack of skill.
part of the reason i swapped back to demo lock is cuz packs always get moved out of rof lol
No healers? As a healer I don't agree! Somethimes I cant even find a mythic+ within 1minute
You know who won't thank you later… the impatient, entitled cry babies who who want a perfect meat shield/taunt beacon that has memorized all 60 raids and can also be your deadly boss mod announcer. They introduced A.I. teammates for a reason.
I'll just play a hunter and only do solo content so I don't get yelled at .
Damn. Coming from Ffxiv this looks tough
I always state that were pulling a pack at a time and progressing as normal. If anyone has an issue with that, leave. Its a game.
Hardest so far is finding a group that can do enough damage. Tanking dungeons the exact same way, but the result is night and day for damage and success.
tanking is the most skilless boring role in dungeon and raid. every tank is just a subordinate for their group, and if you pug, a subordinate for strangers
I haven’t played in 14 years I would have to learn everything all over again.. I rather heal. Healing is fun for me
finding dungeons in this game is a joke.. so many players and still need to wait a long time to find a group xd
I main tank and ive done that for 3 last expansions. I always push high keys and do mythic raiding. Raiding is fine and mythic+ keys are fun when you play with friends and if you are great player. But smallest misstake as a tank on a 10+ key you will die and cause a wipe and brick the key. Small mistake as pulling wrong pack, pulling to big, not having enough defensives up for next pack. Or just simply having no defensive up for 0.5 seconds you are dead. Tanking have never been harder than it is in this expansion. Its so damn unforgiving, i feel more sorry for the healers tho. I have 620 ilvl and 2.5k rating so far as a dh tank. The toxicity and elitism that is pulled out from people that is doing high end content like 10+ keys are crazy. I would like to say im a decent player, i know all routes on all dungeons. I do 9s with ease, but 10s are hard, not gonna lie.
unclear instructions i started pug tanking 3 days ago, i now have crippling depression and consider quitting
I tried tanking. Can’t stand having to know every single route perfectly because green parsing dps and healers want to do mdi routes. Nope
Tanks are fine. It's just gone back to tanks can't solo bosses and need healing so dps has to stay out of bad. Really the difficulty has only risen slightly. You have to use your tank abilities now instead of speccing pure dps.
do not listen to the mage player youtuber trying to gaslight you into playing tank for M+, let M+ pug dps stew without tanks, stick to friends and guild members only