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Today Baldy and Braveheart jump into Mists of Tirna Scythe to discuss the Shadowlands delay and what that means for the game during the rest of beta.
Music: c152 – EP Travel Time
Music: Thug Life
Music By: Dnj Music – No Copyright Music
Video Link:
Twitter: @Preachgaming
Live Stream –
The Good Book –
How do I get your ui preach?
With Blizzard delaying the game, if it comes out and is still a train wreck, the game will be dead to me. You can't delay a game and release hot garbage. I love wow but I am at my wits end after BFA. I really hope they make this good. They need to now.
Honestly, if I got a beta invite, I would most likely just try out how the classes I want to play feel and then uninstalled it. I really don't have the time to do free beta testing for a multi-milion $ company…
I got beta too, can’t do any leveling, my option is just end game lvl 60. WQ are all bugged, can’t complete. Even dying is bugged at times, everything goes red and you can’t see terrain, just a gravestone over yonder.
Also just something to note, that side quest don't scale. So if you skip them and go back you actually get less xp. Meaning if you don't do them as your leveling you will not have enough xp to hit cap.
Delaying so late is typical Activision Blizzard to be honest (imho). I do not know any game studio who continuously shows such a blatant disregard for peoples time. This is just another one of these where they don't care one bit about how people have planned around this and what their decision does
Didn't see enough weapon swapping in that gameplay Preach, 4H Frost DK dream Kappa
Everyone is whining but still playing the game – just quit if u are unhappy wtf
Shadowland is now available in Beta lol . most will play beta and probably get over by the time it releases. they could just do a massive rep boost to all ingame to make up for the boredom that will be going on till then. peopel will say well thers alot to do . problem is do you want to do that thing everyday. im the type of player that doesnt like to be tasked to play. quests are ok thats where i draw the line dailies for me are a chore and not exciting.
required world quests really makes me not want to play this game like i got invited to beta even tho i haven't been playing in the last few months . world quests suck ass
Fin does his bars similar to me. I put certain types of powers in the same spots, and if the class doesn't have them I have empty spots. I have just leveled an Outlaw rogue, those bars are way too empty.
Preach watch the Video of Stoopz_TV about how trinkets are soooo terribly unbalanced and will destroy pvp and also affect pve
Oh man that tease at the end….I'm over here googling trying to find out what they changed about Unholy DK. Hope that follow up video drops soon.
The WoW community… "I'm Glad Shadowlands is Delayed, I don't want it in it's present state… While we wait can we all have Beta Access?" #Paradox
11:39 “Ah you think videos are your ally? You merely adopted the YouTube. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see Twitch until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but Azmongold streams!” – Preach, 2020 (probably)
I wish they would send me a beta invite
Sorry I don't have Beta sadly, and love the TDP since I can't watch you live due to time zones, but are there any other dungeons available for you guys? I think I've only seen you guys do this one.
Would like to hear your thoughts on the class/spec gameplay as well next time
yaaa thats the problem with me too, they announced the delay so close to release. They'll probably announce the new release date with rather short notice too.
I play wow like 8 hours a day and still haven't gotten a beta some casuals in my guild that are not even playing got beta, there are many people in my guild that spend that many hours online and still dont have beta , I do want to give as much feedback as possible but we just get a huge X while casual players have it and dont really care about balancing and bugs , thats really sad.
Also , I really like Finsham's enhancement's weak auras , is there any place I can get them???
I know it's bit off topic but anyone can tell me the addons used by Preach? The UI is really neat. Thanks
Sup dude
Preach, how can we test out your new UI?
I was kind of thinking they'd delay when the prepatch isnt out and there was no announcement. There hasnt been a 2 week prepatch in a while. Glad they delayed, I'll give full credit if they make it worth the wait.
Delay so close to the release – fine, if they make beta open access.
Being stuck in BfA is just a torture.
Have you tried warmode mate?
This has very little to do with enhancement or Frost. It's just you two talking shit.
Can’t wait to hear the simp sqeauls
I shit you not, the amount of people I've seen on Facebook and other groups get into beta to ONLY "test" the customisation is unreal.
i booked holidays, first time ive ever done it,wont be able to rebook them due to the proximity to christmas.
Was the BFA beta and feedback before its release as bad as shadowlands is? I skipped bfa cus of how shite people were saying it was but damn it seems like you can already tell shadowlands is an insta not buy?
pre patch is oct 13 and no pre patch has gone over 8 weeks and that puts launch at dec 15.enhancement is just as bad as it was in bfa cant take a hit in pvp and will get denied for m+ keys let and right and 2hd frost dks just got nerfd have fun being dw breath spec once again the entire expansion…gg.
if prepatch is longer then 8 weeks shadowlands is done.
They decided to use the time to strike so maybe two months lol
Where my Beta inv :/