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A continuation of the previous video on stats for disc priest in shadowlands, looking at the secondary ones and trying to compare their worth.
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Enjoy people 🙂
Thank you sir for the time you put on this video. Really appreciated.
I'm Single 😍😥
Do you think these results would carry over pretty accurately for raids?
I appreciate you making this video. I have no experience to say if you're right about the stat weights but it's disheartening to see the contradictory or unclear rebuttals. I see you walk through your math and how the math leads you to your results where the theorycrafters say "the math is too complicated, just look at the results".
One thing that you forgot even tho i mentioned it on discord is that youre looking at healing done by pws during atonement…which is always because pws applies atonement. The proper way to check pws would be to look at casts done on targets with atonement and without. In your log its 180 pws on atonement (insanely high considering only 37 of them were during rapture) out of 300 total casts.
This means that roughly 40% of your pws healing was not mastery amped and would also need to be removed. Further id still note that haste has other values than just purely gaining more cast speed and a bit more mana from solace/mb. Tho since you mentioned youll stop here i guess its no use further arguing.
Have a good day!
Hi people, It was pointed out that I made a mistake when obtaining the numbers for power word: shield.
I looked at hits, but I should have looked at casts(1). So, the % for atonement targets should be 59% instead of 95%.
With numbers adjusted for that, here are the new comparisions between +100 mastery/haste/vers/crit
Mastery: 2.679 (100%)
Crit: 2.576 (96.17%)
Haste: 2.397 (85%)
Vers: 2.254 (84.15%)
Your numbers are off and can easily be calculated by just plugging the numbers into formulas instead.
10/30 vs 30/10 crit/mastery:
SM, non atonement:
3.2 * sp * crit = 3.52 vs 4.16 (crit wins)
SM with atonement is equal since crit and mastery are just swapped (3.2sp * c * m)
Dps from atonement healing boils down to crit * mastery *.5 which is equal but with less dps.
What am I missing here
i think crit would multiplicatively increase in value the more targets you have attonement applied to when critting an enemy, AKA in raid. Am i wrong ? this is a very well made video keep it up, however, i AM looking for the best stats in raid personally
The only problem with mastery apart from lacking dps is the fact that it's bound to attonement. When youre cutting corners and trying to stretch out sins of the many to pump extra dps by only having 1 attonement out on the tank. Then a dps gets chunked by something and you have to toss them a shadow mend. That first shadow mend will receive zero benefit from mastery. Of course subsequent casts would benefit once attonement gets applied.
How about talent optimization?
Your second group (in that other video) had a mage (5% int) and a DH (5% magic dmg taken on mobs), while the first didn't. That combined with a better group (way less healing outside of tank healing) allowed you to play more offensively, thus doing more dps in the second run. You had more atonement healing in the first run and shadow mend only healed 400 more on average in the second run, so mastery probably had nothing to do with you doing more dps 😛
edit: also primary stat (ilvl) is strong this early into the expansion with low'ish ilvls, so if your mastery gear int pieces were higher ilvl that alone can make huge difference in the results.
i could swear when i started playing disc , mastery increased the healing due to atonement not just healing on targets with atonement