The Geologic Marvels of Desolace! – WoW Rocks | World of Warcraft

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Hello everybody, and welcome to the finale of the WoW Rocks series! Today, we are exploring the barren land of Desolace… but don’t be fooled! There is more here than meets the eye.

I’ve had a lot of fun making this series and I can’t wait to see what comes next!

0:00 – Intro
0:53 – The Gray Wastes
3:45 – Remnants of Paradise
7:26 – Before Desolation

Special thanks to Wowmaster for filming the footage seen in this video!

All footage retrieved from Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-).

Images retrieved from Google Images. Utilized under Fair Use 2022.

Background Music: “Barrens Day 1” from the World of Warcraft Game Soundtrack

Outro Music: “You’re The One Acoustic Rehearsal” by Greta Van Fleet

#WoW #WoWRocks #MMO

Jediwarlock 2022


29 thoughts on “The Geologic Marvels of Desolace! – WoW Rocks | World of Warcraft”

  1. So the zone was a paradise until the thick princess got summoned and ate everything in sight. Damn. About 6:00 I don't think I've ever noticed those. I don't remember the naga looking that badass. Wait, have we ever seen undead naga?

  2. I started playing in TBC as a human paladin and then in WOTLK I switched to blood elf DK so I missed the whole zone. Thanks for letting me know, I just never even thought about Desolace or knew how interesting the zone is, except Maraudon of course, everyone has been there

  3. The algorithm blessed me with your wow rocks series, and I'm glad it did! I'm a California professional geologist and long time wow player. Glad I'm not the only one looking around at all the topography! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for more horsts and grabens when I'm running around 😂

  4. Desolace in so many ways is a depressing zone, a reminder of what once was but now is lost. Even after Cataclysm, growth is happening but most of the zone still bears a strong resemblance to its name. Still, I always find myself drawn to it as an area to explore, to see all that is – and was – in this landscape.

  5. I love this series, hope you make more in the future! It's so interesting to hear someone analyze a piece of media I know and love from a perspective that I'd never considered before. I also enjoy the way you present the information, from the structure to the calm tone. Keep it up!!

  6. Two things
    1.) I love this series looking through the lense of various Earth Science disciplines/Biology.
    2.) If the sundering and its effects interest you, look up Randall Carlson and The Younger Dryas theory. Its a sundering/cataclysm that happened on Earth around 10K b.c. I only mention this, because it seems you have interest in geology, volcanology, glaciology, meteorolgy and the ways they interact and shape the enviroment and thus, the biology. And it is one of the most credible and interesting geological/glaciological theories proposed today.

  7. Fun Fact, The stone elemental princess and a humanoid deer had a relationship and from there the centaurs were born but since they were ugly they killed their father and the mother expelled them from their home, that is why there are many centaurs in Desolace.

    NO, I don't know how some meat got into the Rockussy… and I don't wanna find out but it's there for the lore…

  8. I liked going there to level up mainly because it was so off the beaten track…few others went there. But with all of the underwater things to explore, the mysterious serpent bones in the south and dark magics in the north and south, the north-western entrance into Feralas, plus Rexxar wandering the zone from top to bottom, it was a great place to just explore and quest in.

  9. I really wish we were able to enter inside Elven towers such as Ethel Rethor. Not being able to see the interior is so unsatisfying to me. And the fact that further development of the game, after vanilla, never saw these interiors brought to the game is a massive L to me, and a huge red flag that the devs don't have their priorities set straight.

  10. The Kodo Roundup quest made me cry as a noob but I was only 55 then. Fond memories of this zone and doing battle with those noob killer Harpies in the small, but infamous Charred Vale, to arrive in Desolace. Excellent, superior video!

  11. Hydras aren't so simple. Unless zangarmarsh has salt lakes. Im pretty sure theyre fresh water. Those could be special ones. Or, and this is a huge stretch, theyre mythical like beings even compared to other fauna on Azeroth. This may make them have an edge in adaptability. I could see a Naga explaining it like, "Wherever the Hydra roams, salt or freshwater, it's only a matter of when it will become the apex predator, not if."
    Great stuff by the way.


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