Shadowlands Healer Tournament Tier List

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39 thoughts on “Shadowlands Healer Tournament Tier List”

  1. Imo Prot beats resto druids as well, because hots can't heal one shots whereas prot pally can immune people and they don't die, and seeing how much one shots are going on I'd say prot is above three healer specs at least.

  2. I really like that you're not just creating a Tier List but also explain your reasoning very well so that I actually learn the strengths and weaknesses of the different specs while watching this

  3. Minpojke is the only resto druid in the top 100 of EU ladder atm. playing at 2900cr rn. @Supatease. he is exceptionally good at it despite it being the 4th best healer. ofc at his level it makes sense he makes it work but the current state of resto druid is really not performing too well hence why u dont see them on the top ranks of ladder or u dont see them played in tournament.

  4. I don't see how Disc is so high on the list.
    His damage is should be BY FAR the highest but its not + it's castable, his mana pool is by far the worst of all the healers as well.
    Just cus the spec has a VERY large amount of people playing it, it doesn't mean that it's THAT good.
    In my opinion, it's far bellow Resto shamans and holy paladins and even prot paladins.

  5. I got 2300 last season as Mistweaver, this expansion I get stomped by 1500 players who don’t even know what they’re doing and just kill me simply from a lack of cooldowns


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