Shadowlands HEALERS TIER LIST (Castle Nathria Raid)

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Check the Shadowlands Healers Tier List for the Castle Nathria raid to get the latest scoop on the healing meta and who reigns supreme. Shadowlands healers ranked isn’t the easiest subject to tackle but we are trying to keep it as objective as possible and all based on the logs. So yes, this is a wow healer tier list where we look at the performance of the specs in the raid and analyze utility and fun factors too in order to provide a proper ranking for them sooooo stick to MarcelianOnline for even more wow tier list videos to come 🙂

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00:00 Intro
01:50 Disc Priest
04:50 Holy Paladin
07:30 Holy Priest
10:35 Mistweaver Monk
13:15 Resto Druid
17:55 Resto Shaman

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33 thoughts on “Shadowlands HEALERS TIER LIST (Castle Nathria Raid)”

  1. I’m coming from 12 years on my Discipline Priest going to a Restoration Druid, and honestly, I’m in love. I already have that “trust” that my HoT’s will be enough, since Disc has that trust in doing damage being enough. Lol

  2. Resto Shaman is very fun to play, really has a high skill ceiling to get the most out of your mastery and weaving damage

    Unlike holy pala with Shock Barrier…that do absurd damage and heal entirely for free , with beacon, light, word of Glory and shock Barrier, all free x_x no wonder they're getting nerfed

  3. And there is no reason to bring any heal but , Rsham HPal and Disc. if you want get Ce in 1-3 mounths of the season , but even later. My guild are struggle couse we have MW Main for 1000 years, but she decided to switch main for Generals and Sire , for disc)

  4. How funny to see Holy Priest in this position. Your arguments are so wrong and clearly you dont Know what you're talking about.
    I outperformed rsham et hpal in my roster. We are 8/10 MM and i just timed my +19 as Holy.
    Plus we deal 30% more damage than a disc u Know that? Clearly not.
    It's not because they are few Holy that mean we are bad.
    Just work more on your videos there are a lot of mistake on what u say….
    The disc abd Rsham are op indeed but your ranking is so wrong. Depend on the player behind the keyboard

  5. You guys are a bit to hard on holy priest, because you have a good performing people to play with. Holy is simple, but very effective. It's perfect healer if you pug sometimes or group is not confident in content that they are doing. If disc is guy with sniper rifle, Holy is the bazooka guy.


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