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by @PreachHighlights
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100% not even a question, the writers didn't even know where the story was going and talking down to players on twitter. The famous meme was "Sylvanas is so cunning not even blizzard knew what she was gonna do" The arrogance was off the scales. Also there was no way Sylvanas could have won against freaking Lich King, felt like some amateur fan ficion.
tha moment when it all jus HIT him – –
I picked up Genshin impact after Shadowlands cuz most of my friends quit and I couldn't get all of them to play Lost Ark.
Shouts very cooly: "For the Horde!!" *kills lich king quickly
As a fan of WoW's story, Shadowlands really ruined everything for me, the magic of WoW just disappeared.
I played Dragonflight for a week and it still can't undo the damage done by Shadowlands, the only way I can come back to play World of Warcraft is if Blizzard officially tells everyone that Shadowlands never happened.
I never cared about the drama outside the game, I only care about world of warcraft itself, and it's really hard for me to go back.
The questing in Shadowlands was dreadful. Bounced off the game in two hours.
I tried to stream WoW, but could never get any increase in views. Branching away from wow is where all my growth is coming from. I "want" to stream wow, but unless you have a pre-existing community, it feels like a dead stream game.
The prophecy was true.
The true wow killer was wow all along.
BFA broke me tbhbh, SL I did buy and played for 50 hours till level cap and some extra, and now dragonlands I won, played till lvl 63, never again. Retail wow is a boring boomer hotkey p2w mobile game. I mean if it's free, maybe, not right now but later maybe,. Anything else nah.
it was a combination of shadowlands and people falling in love with classic. First exp I haven't bought dragonflight cuz I'm just happy enough with classic
Is that guy eating as he does his video?
Moving further away from war and all the political correctness is what killed it for me.
Retail wow has no social/community aspect anymore.. Classic WoW is still way better
blizzard is 110% WOKE. Thats why they're going BROKE.
During SL Blizzard just spit on players that dared to keep paying even through BfA mess.
They only care when people stop paying — they don't care if you're complaining or screaming on forums, none of suggestions ever accepted… Screw this game.
Listening to that guy stuff his face with food and still try and talk is awesome!
For me, shadowlands was the straw that broke the camels back for blizzard as a whole
Lots of ppl leveling on Classic Era realms these days though!
My class sucked in legion and bfa/shadowlands were shit. I'll never play wow until they release an expansion that still gets good things said about it a year later. They'd also have to get rid of m+ so raiding is actually meaningful again, but that'll never happen.
18:49 who even are these people? On that whole list the only people i even recognise are cdew, mes and frostadamus. Ive never heard of a single other person, and ive been playing wow since release until shadowlands. And if you look, most of them arent even playing dragonflight. Most of those streams are classic hardcore players.
12:00 i strongly disagree, wow has a lot of content you can "go and do for fun", pets, mog collection, world content, old reps, mount collection and whatnot. what WoW needs is to make endgame content more accessible, more enjoyable, and less time wasting. it needs to lower the ilvl gap within its own patch, 50 ilvls is astronomical damage gap from start to finish of a patch. the hardest content that is sweat worthy should be cosmetic or something small like heroic gear with 1-2 sockets. the people who are fine with wow no matter what like the ones who stayed during shadowlands should not be the ones catered to just because they are loyal, they will play the game no matter how garbage it becomes, the ones wow needs to cater to are the 75% who left during shadowlands and understand why they left. They didn't leave only because of Choreghast (which could be fun if they kept beta design and offered more cool cosmetic rewards), they didn't leave because of how Dom sockets worked but because of the degenerate design of how to get them (not being targetable, shit to upgrade, time gated, needing the right item slot cuz of legendary conflicts). They didn't leave because M+ is hard but because the feeling of M+ is "how will i get fked this week" mentality the game presented them with, rather then what fun can i have in M+ this week.
WoW endgame overall is a fantastic practice of masochism, the game does a great job punishing you substantially more then it does reward you, which btw, was not fixed with Dragonflight, it is the same shit different expansion in terms of endgame prog with less chores, now u just get to do more M+ because you don't have the other side bs to deal with, fantastic design.
The game sucks now because it feels like your playing a toon-town cheesy graphicd, the item shop and buying gold is a huge turn off, too many unnecessary systems, also blizzard puts hardly any effort into the game now (new dragon class completely ugly and was a copypasta of another mob) and PVP was destroyed a long time ago and has never felt right. They really need to just start a classic +
3 things made WoW less fun for me:
1. MoP came out when I was a junior in college and I had just turned 21. I didn't want to spend the time grinding when I preferred to do other things.
2. The game was continuously becoming convoluted with side content that was just as grindy as everything else. Just made the game feel overwhelming and like I'd never have enough time to devote to catch up.
3. While the game became convoluted it also was watered down immensely. You could breeze through the game way too quickly which took a lot of the fun out of leveling.
Basically, since MoP I've come back to WoW for a few months and then I leave for 6+ months. Rinse repeat.
Streamers build communities off the community of a game.
But blizzard is not fostering communities around the game.
Rehire people to be gamemasters, remember what a gamemaster is, let them do more then fix small issues.
Have them create unique memorable moments for players ingame.
Spawn a npc army to fight.
Trigger the opening for ahn quiraj.
Infect a area with the black plague.
Create unique encounters quests and secret things for them to give players.
I mean half the writing can be ai assisted.
Classic killed WoW for me because I realised how much more I enjoy classic compared to retail.
But there's no new content for classic so I'm happy just subbing for a month every now and then when I feel the urge, like I do with OSRS.
The recent censorship of things that have been in the game for well over a decade also turned me off, it just makes the game feel much less like an organic thing.
Seems like a lot of Asmon's hate for raids like logistics is due to him playing with people who don't know how to tell time or use a clock so they can show up on time.
ActiBlizz is paying a bunch of people and having drops on their streams, and interest in the game is still somewhat low.
Well i stopped playing WoW a the near end of BfA.
I did not play Shadowlands and I`m having a blast playing DF now 🙂
So i did not have Shadowlands ruining it for me.
Wow as a game is getting better for sure, but they could help a little push from new game developers and in general a fresh viewpoint on how to consume content
M+ is supposed to be fun but isn't and it's almost impossible to progress with some classes even with good score and gear you will never be taken in 20s+
They are slowly adressing many issues of the game but it's taking some time