God damn to think a mage like that can be high cr. Literally poly poly poly poly poly poly poly, doesnt even bother to reset combust with fireballs but once a blue moon
Everyone else steaming makes me glad I quit wow. You, on the other hand, make me miss it! Keep it up, and please stay away from the drama and the politics.
Poor hpala. That mage casted like 300 poly's in that game. He had no pressure from interrupts the whole game and he still does the least damage. Warlock is doing more damage with a warrior on him 100% of the time. This mage is getting carried hard.
if you really want to meme, I ran my Drought of deep focus and heart of the wild and I out damaged my dps half of the time hahaha
So rdruid is the new mw monk? Noice.
bro what are those binds?
Shift + J?
Shift + K?!?!
:concern froge:
When possible, you should throw your Moonfire up as well, especially when you decide to use your Swarm offensively.
God damn to think a mage like that can be high cr. Literally poly poly poly poly poly poly poly, doesnt even bother to reset combust with fireballs but once a blue moon
Everyone else steaming makes me glad I quit wow. You, on the other hand, make me miss it! Keep it up, and please stay away from the drama and the politics.
Melee > casters. that's crazy how melee are so op
You just discovered how OP Necro resto-feral druids are lol. Congrats. Should try to fight em in the world lol
Poor hpala. That mage casted like 300 poly's in that game. He had no pressure from interrupts the whole game and he still does the least damage. Warlock is doing more damage with a warrior on him 100% of the time. This mage is getting carried hard.
I heard if you rap you win :3
Love aggressive healer gameplay! Get um supa