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Inscription in Shadowlands is looking good! You will be able to make a lot of gold in wow. Today we dive deep into the Shadowlands Profession Inscription!
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Monday – 11am – 3pm
Tuesday – 11am – 3pm
Wednesday – 11am – 3pm
Thusday – 11am – 3pm
Friday – 11am – 3pm
00:00 Intro
01:04 Materials for Inscription
04:30 Milling Rates Exposed
09:43 Leveling Inscription
12:15 Crafting Inscription Items
15:00 Contracts
18:21 Missives
22:20 Darkmoon Cards, Decks & Trinkets
28:30 Glyphs
29:15 Selling & TSM Profile
30:22 Final Thoughts and Outro
This channel is the passion project of a lifelong gamer. I am a nerd at heart who has a weird obsession for numbers, sales and marketing (hence enjoying making gold in Warcraft!)
Should you choose to subscribe, I will return the gesture by attempting to make every live event and every video entertaining, and valuable of your time! Peace!
#Shadowlands #Inscription #Goldmaking
Wasn't it going to be enchanting?!? 💔 but still tight 😘
Newb question…blank card of voracity then comes out as a random voracity card or a specific card?
Looking at the milling spreadsheet, it looks like there is no penalty for using the zone herbs to target a specific pigment. All the common herbs have about 29% return on the two common pigments. That is good info to know. I like to keep simple ratios in my head for when I'm just do a quick eyeball of the AH. Based on the spreadsheet I'm going to be thinking 7 Deathblossom = 1 of each common pigment. 7 Nightshade = 2 Tranquil pigment and 3.5 common pigments. 6 of the zone specific herbs get me 1 of the targetted pigment and 2/3 of the other one.
How should I set my operations for the Inscription group? :C
I think the link to the TSM Groups Pastebin isnt working. Couldnt access the Jewlcrafting one either.
My one and only profession ^^
HHHHHHErbs – signed, a californian.
Love the accent friend!
Is there going to be a daily CD on making a card?
new goblin here, how do you know which items you should craft ? like under what conditions do you know i got this much gold that many mats now i'm going to craft darkmooncard x ?
Great video, very informative.
This deserves alot more views than it got. I appreciate it.
meal rates?
Tomb and tome… please learn the difference.
Thank you thank you