Shadowlands Is Too Hard & There's Not Enough Loot… Race To World First And Torghast Nerfs

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands Race to Worlf First Castle Nathria goes down to the wire, but will it be over before the holidays? Or will Complexity Limit and Echo be raiding instead of opening presents? We look ask if Castle Nathria is too hard, if there’s not enough loot, plus nerfs to Torghast and Mythic+ loot too! Join us for the Weekly Reset, Taliesin and Evitel’s Wondrous Wisdomshow.

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Angels We Have Heard by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.




21 thoughts on “Shadowlands Is Too Hard & There's Not Enough Loot… Race To World First And Torghast Nerfs”

  1. I FISHING hate the pussification of Torghast. The length of time…fine w/e, figure out a way to cut that down without reducing the difficulty, I can live with that although I couldn't give 2 shits about the length, I've been farming and waiting to get shit done in this game for YEARS. Complaining about grinding in an MMORPG sounds like the equivalent of someone complaining that water is wet.

  2. Torghast should be short and ez because it’s the single thing absolutely mandatory for all chars each week due to legendary. So if you want harder content do mythic raids and mythic+ 15. Or cry for another thing that has only a cosmetic reward.

  3. Positives and negatives to the latest expansions as always. I'll be honest and admit that I have not played SL due to enjoying classic as a casual player. But watching vids like these really do give me the urge to try it. A big thumbs up for putting a smile on my face during a crappy year with what i could only call witty banter…. you guys should be on Dave.

  4. This is the first Xpac I have decided to pull the pin and stop playing when its still new(ish) out. BFA was garbage, and alas SL isnt much better. Best things Activision could do it to get rid of Ion and hits cronies and put in fresh talent for Design Team, WoW is just getting stale, it needs new people with new ideas, not Ion and his rinse and repeat crap he spews out.

  5. Only here to remind you, you have a child. Make sure not to neglect that kid. And I don't mean hand the kid off to your wife or parents. YOU need to spend time as well. You're a parent now, that comes before your youtube and playing WoW. Don't be a shitbag…

  6. People "Classic is better than retail" Also people Not enough loot :'(

    40 people fighting over 5 peices of loot and your complaining that they half it since you say classic is so good… Also Hard my ass. how is don't stand in bad hard???

  7. "This is as hard as Torghast is ever going to be"
    Now that's where you are wrong.

    Blizzard clearly showed that they are fully capable of tweaking the difficulty, in fact if you have done Torghast this week, it's very clear that it has been adjusted.
    I almost failed layer 8 with arguably the easiest class/specc, and I was 198 ilvl and fully food buffed/flasked/oiled.
    The numbers of mobs were increased, much tougher to kill and the place got notably bigger this week.
    Torghast is climbing its way back to be the weekly chore that it was again.
    It was really challenging to swing at damage sponges for an hour. Thank you very much.
    The next time when I waste an hour in that place for nothing is the time I cancel my sub, it's simple.

    tbh I don't think the place solely for the players to get ashes is where you should be looking for challenges anyway,
    There's going to be a place that gives better reward in Torghast that's designed for people with better gear that are looking for a challenge and it's not out yet.
    Just like no one is asking for their weeklies to require you to time mythic +10 twice.

    Ashes are just a tool to bump retention for blizzard and they serve no purpose than to just time gate people from acquiring borrowed power.
    It feels like every decision that's been made since launch were made from and solely from a business pov,
    how to get the users to login everyday, how to keep them in game, how to waste their time at every corner.
    You want faster travel? To bad we took that away, but you can spend time to unlock it. You want gear? Sorry we just lowered the ilvl and drops so you are gonna keep farming for upgrades.
    EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. ASPECT. of this game feels like they intentionally puts you in a position to waste more of your time even the legacy raids, which they refuse to let you farm easier despite being 2 expensions away.


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