Shadowlands New Character Creation is AMAZING!

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I got a chance to get an exclusive look at the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands beta this week, and I had a lot of fun with it! They’ve added a ton of new character customization options for the new expansion that I wanted to highlight here. Even though I primarily play WoW Classic, I’m still a WoW Player and am excited for the new expansions and content in Retail WoW as well! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did! Make sure to follow my streams to catch me live on Twitch at !

Which one was your favorite?

Intro 0:000:20
Humans 0:205:10
Orcs 5:109:07
Void Elves 9:0710:33
Dwarves 10:3314:23
Undead 14:2318:06
Night Elves 18:0624:40
Taurens 24:4027:52
Gnomes 27:5230:10
Trolls 30:1031:59
Weirdchamp 31:5932:10
Blood Elves – 32:1033:51
Trainwrecks 33:5134:44
Final Thoughts 34:4436:17

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29 thoughts on “Shadowlands New Character Creation is AMAZING!”

  1. Even though I plan on writing down some of the cool combos you put together so get me through this screen faster, the first time I use it, I'll probably still spend an hour looking at everything lol

  2. back in the day when u only had 5 options for hair
    I used to ask my dad when he was starting a new character what do u want your character to look like ?
    "make him look cool"
    this game has come a long way

  3. Where are the dark rangers options for Blood Elves? Honestly, if they don't add that I would be furious, so furious. I've waited on that for years and now that they are finally adding customization and not including this is just sad.

  4. Cool, WoW is now like the Sims, so many people who already had a character making addiction will be glued.

    And, to make that even more cool, I hope they add a "Style Preset" Gallery that users upload for others to use on their characters. (Not everyone is creative or wants to spend the time making their character look cool, so this will help those people)


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