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Recently Wowhead have been datamining the Jailors model, it looks like the human form of the Jailer, and not he’s “Monster” form, what do you think?
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#Shadowlands #Worldofwarcraft #Warcraft
The Jailer is definitely a badass, giving that much power to another character from essentially another dimension. I have a theory that this Sylvanas you see here is not the live/retail Sylvanas but the one who died when she became a banshee, because technically she did die before she got turned into one.
The jailor looks more like a prisoner of the Titans who has been tortured an repurposed. Covered in runes and a huge hole where his heart should be. I don't think he did that to himself ….interesting.
I don’t wasn’t him to be the final boss it would be cool not knowing who’s the last boss for one xpac
1:30 That hole reminds me of two things: Kael'thas when he first comes back, and hollows from Beach. The arbiter art also shows an orb in the same spot, it really makes me wonder if that will play a part later.
Looks like quan'chi. Don't now if I spelled that right, but that bald guy from mortal kombat
Sylvanas has the Jailers chest orb. That's why she is so strong. She is the first Maw Walker from back when she killed her self and was brought back by the Valkyr
He also has a titan form and hemay be the father of the titans
Hyped for shadowlands? Hell no, they are going to fuck it up again for sure and this time i'm going to stay the f away.
The trailer announcing Shadowlands was already cursed from a lore perspective no matter how fancy your new expansion looks.
Remember kids how hyped we were for Bfa, then they unleashed an unfinished bfa on us and patched all the promised content in way later. Allied races weren't in the game like 6 months into Bfa.
Warfronts promised to be large scale wc3-like pvp battles. Everyone was hyped until we were introduced to warfronts, large scale PvE battles vs AI on lfr difficulty.
Gotta admit that the art and design team is doing a really solid job, the designs look amazing but if the class and game balance stays as fucked as it currently is then why bother with the game when bc classic is right around the corner.
The Arbiter has also something like the jailer in her chest. Actually he has a hole and she as something in it.
WTB Jailor Faction to join.
Really hoping we're not going to kill Sylvanas. Just like Varian. Losing all the of old heroes we met and grew on us.. All those years ago.
This doesn’t seem to be the jailer, just a jailer. Too man details do not match up, plus I believe I found the concept art
So… He has a giant round hole on his chest and supposedly he was betrayed and something was taken from him.
Recently, we were granted a giant round necklace that supposedly is super mega powerful… This sounds like a Te fiti to me. Yup the jailer is azeroth
I think he looks bad ass.
I think he was an old Lich King. Arthas did the same thing by ripping his own heart out, which can be found in a quest under the Citadel.
My friend who is a lore nerd said that the hole in his chest is his prison within himself. The hole makes it so he can’t take on his full potential power or something like that. Seems like a cool concept if that’s the case. Wonder if he’s trying to find something or retrieve what might’ve been stolen from his chest.
I really hope this isn’t him… this is a dumb looking final boss