Shadowlands Launch Cinematic: “Beyond the Veil” Revendreth Fan Remake

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Shadowlands Launch Cinematic: “Beyond the Veil” Revendreth Fan Remake
I have always loved the feeling and excitement of a new World of Warcraft expansion launch and watching the cinematic trailer for the first time thinking of everything new that’s going to be released with the Expansion.
This gave me the idea to tackle the task to recreate one of the scenes from the cinematic and give my own spin on it by using more in-game style so I chose the Shadowlands Cinematic with my favourite-looking zone in the game called Revendreth.
This project was a lot about studying the Revendreth style and really getting into the feeling and style of World of
Warcraft, while trying to tread the fine line between in-game art and realistic cinematic style
without getting too far from the original look and trying to get the scale
just right for the city and atmosphere. After watching countless hours of the Behind The Scenes DVDs and trying to analyse every cinematic that has been out to date I finally started with the project in late May 2022 which in the end took me about half a year of after-work hours.
Modelling was done in two parts, firstly I used Maya and then the sculpting of the models was done in ZBrush
I started by creating a previz and setting the scale of the scene then creating a kitbash set of buildings out of it, seeing how many different objects I need for the scene
I mainly used Mari with some Photoshop overpaint for the texturing of the objects in the scene to get a bit more warcraft style.
I also used Substance Painter for getting certain supporting layers for Mari texture work
This was done in Maya Arnold’s render engine
Compositing was done in Foundry Nuke
Finally, everything was put together with Adobe After Effects & Adobe Premier
The songs are from Castle Nathria – World of Warcraft Shadowlands & Shadowlands Launch Cinematic: “Beyond the Veil” Trailer
The amazing soundtracks are by Composers: Jake Lefkowitz and Grant Kirkhope.
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