Shadowlands Melee RANKINGS (Mythic Plus Tier List)

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Time for some new Shadowlands melee rankings with our freshest mythic plus tier list. We take in all the data available on warcraft logs and for the week prior in order to compile the wow melee dps tier list and all the placings are best strictly on that. This should make the end result as objective as possible but making a shadowlands melee tier list is never easy and there will always be folks who disagree, which is fine 🙂 The purpose of these tlf shows is to analyze the changes in the meta and talk about strengths and weaknesses of each spec so always take our mythic plus tier list 9.0.5 with a grain of salt ok? More to come on MarcelianOnline so stay tuned 🙂

01:10 Arms Warrior
05:50 Assassination Rogue
09:44 Enhancement Shaman
12:18 Feral Druid
16:06 Frost Death Knight
18:29 Fury Warrior
21:16 Havoc Demon Hunter
23:43 Outlaw Rogue
26:13 Retribution Paladin
28:27 Subtlety Rogue
30:54 Survival Hunter
34:02 Unholy Death Knight
36:01 Windwalker Monk

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32 thoughts on “Shadowlands Melee RANKINGS (Mythic Plus Tier List)”

  1. Best videos and day of the week boys in girls! (Actually it's tough to say which videos are best). Anywho…. im stuck guys, I can't decide which class I want to main right now. I feel like I have to main warrior because I have tusk or manoroth. But I'm stuck between pally warrior hunter or priest. It's hard to say because class fantasy is my biggest reason for playing a class. I also have the xavius shoulders so maybe rogue or vengeance dh

  2. As a Survival main since they went Melee originally. Thank you, great summary lads!!! Spot on, but stack some mastery to help single target sustain between windows. 😉
    They do great up to12-15s for me (IMO, I'm sure they are great above that too) and are super satisfying, so many other specs seem slow when you switch back.

  3. Why no one talks about the unholy nerf in 9.0.5 ? Their aoe cleave Scourge strike went from hitting all targets in DnD to cap 4. Rank 2 of death and decay for Unholy, check in Wowhead

    I really don't understand why Unholy don't run Sudden Doom talent, like they have the army talent for Death coil reduction, they use the legendary that extends duration per death coil BUT not the talent that gives more death coils??? What? Why


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