The BEST Way To Start Mists of Pandaria Remix? Sharing My Method

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I share the method and philosophy towards collecting everything I want in the Mists of Pandara Remix.
It might not be the most efficient or fast method, but I put my mental health first by commiting to easy to understand, short term goals. Ahhh you’ll see what I mean!

Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

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23 thoughts on “The BEST Way To Start Mists of Pandaria Remix? Sharing My Method”

  1. I feel like M.O.P. needed a little more oriental themed armor sets. they could’ve done a little bit better. Like when I play an expansion, especially a theme expansion in this case an oriental dynasty, I want to feel like my character is part of the surroundings a little bit more.

    Hopefully, they will have some set to fill the gaps where the original expansion was left a little bit lacking .

  2. You’re right about the mental health. Having played since vanilla I’ve been conditioned to stress and chase everything. I try to just do it slowly but when I see someone with something I don’t have I start the stress path again. I end up with a headache and knot in my stomach 🫤

  3. redshirtguy's napkin math put the total to buy EVERYTHING at 1.5 million bronze, but that assuming you dont already have some of the world boss mounts and toys from the zone rares.

    Priority for me is get the stuff I can only get during the event, then cool recolours, then world boss mounts, maybe.

  4. At least as far as Cloud Serpent rep was concerned, it took me about an hour tops.. Onyx Eggs are still a thing, and I needed maybe 15 of them, less with daily activities 🙂
    (the cloud rings are still, after years, buggy. Many of them are massively oversized, and hitting the right place is more luck than judgement. )

  5. Guys I need your help actually, I'm asking myself question, if I hit 70 on my character from Pandaria event, after the event the character will be redirected into retail or will be deleted? Thank you 🙂

  6. I went healer because of the immediate LFR groupings… but having to explain to people that they need to pull like it was the old school game… so many dps and the rare tank, play like it was a damage meter competition and they die, faster than it takes to cast Healing Surge. Never heal the dumbass, a tried and true motto.


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