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I figured that with just under 10 days until Shadowlands release, now would be the best time to talk a bit about my UI heading into it!
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Intro: 0:00
Weak Auras: 1:11
OmniCC and Bartender: 13:12
Details: 19:15
Plater: 22:05
SUF: 24:34
ERT: 27:55
Few Random Addons: 29:13
Macros: 31:21
Keybinds: 37:09
Patreon and Outro: 41:07
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Namaste Kalamazi <3
Can't seem to get my demonic tyrant tracker to work the way yours did in the legendary/ability tracker WA. It's only showing me the timer for when it's active and on cooldown – not the stacks for demonic consumption.
i was just reading ur answer to my previous comment lol
Sick intro! Really good video and thanks for the suggestions 😀
thank you so much, I subbed to your twitch as a compensation, I always feel like I owe you for your hard work and I really want to appreicate that =)
cool logo intro Kalamazi
Fantastic video and thank you very much for putting the time into this. The Plater is huge and wouldn't import for me, but that's OK. Keep up the great work!
Thanks a bundle good sir
About Plater, how do I change the castbar size?
I'm not sure why you felt like it wasn't going to be a good video. It crushed some doubts I had been having when it comes to fine tunings on the UI and even in the gameplay.
By far your most informative video.
Thanks for your content. Keep up the amazing work you do.
Ps: when I saw the intro I thought 'hmm, new intro… Nice…'
I was playing Destroy doing some OMG runs noticed that corruption doesn't go on to Havoc target is this intended, will it be remedy? Be cool if u could double drain life also
Looks like you need MBB (minimapbuttonbag) addon. It makes almost all ur minimap buttons hide and be clickable under a single one..
Hi.. thanks for amazing video. But what about elvui profile? Cant you upload it?
Anyone else not able to import the plater profile? I'm using Plater-v9.0.1.316-Retail and aside from the import taking about 5 full minutes for WoW to respond (i9900k>x1080ti), clicking okay causes Plater to log "Plater could not decode the data."
I've pasted the profile into a JSON validator and its valid JSON so.. not sure if bug with plater or issue with the profile itself. Has anyone else tried this?
Hey Kalamazi,Warlock brothers here. Love all the job what you doing. Keep it up! Are you planning to do last minute guide before shadowland drops? For legenderaries what YOU gonna choose, conv and abilities?
Your main warlock is demonology?
Can someone explain again what Raid Mark Icon 2 does?….i didn't understand guys
I prefer mouseover macros because they simply give you the extra option. With a proper mouseover macro you can still click and play "normally" and just take advantage of the mouseover part when that is easier (like hovering over boss frames).
Main hunter but alt lock. Going to try the whole setup and have a play with my hunter WAs so I can easily flip between the 2 classes with 1 sleek UI.
You rock. The new intro rocks and like the Kalamazi logo. Thank you for helping get my UI ready for SL. I have been rolling the same UI since WOLK, and just gave it some updates and playing a DOT spec for the first time. Super helpful.
Haircut and new intro? GG 😀
Can you do a video on how to keybind the mouse. i have the same mouse but its only letting me mirror my keyboard
i really enjoyed it.. now i need to decided if i want to use it or just stay with Elvui
Thanks man! I really appreciate your content. I have always wanted to play warlock but have never really gotten into it. Your content has been a tremendous help in getting ready for the Shadowlands. Keep up the great work!