Shadowlands Outlaw Rogue Guide

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Hello everyone! In this video I’ll talk about shadowlands OUTLAW rogue. This will be a full guide about the outlaw rogue that you can use to learn everything you need to play your character and perform well on raids or mythic plus.ENJOY!

Roll the bones weak aura for outlaw rogue;

Cooldowns Weak Aura;

Energy Bar Weak Aura;

0:00 Intro
0:58 Talents
4:07 Conduits/Soulbinds
5:58 Stat Priority
6:53 Consumables/Enchants
7:43 Legendaries
8:40 Rotations AoE & M+

#Shadowlandsrogue #Shadowlandsoutlawrogue #Shadowlands #Tockmuck #Shadowlandsmythicplus


6 thoughts on “Shadowlands Outlaw Rogue Guide”

  1. is there a big difference between sub and outlaw atm for dongeons ? still havent chosen a spec to main with my rogue alt and not sure which to go with i enjoy more outlaw tbh but dont know if its viable enough atm

  2. Hey could you provide a link for you weak auras you are running to monitor your abilities / health bar with combo points. Also what name plate addon do you run. Thanks for the videos I just started watching!


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