EVERYTHING Coming to the Trading Post in March 2024 | World of Warcraft

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25 thoughts on “EVERYTHING Coming to the Trading Post in March 2024 | World of Warcraft”

  1. catastrophes edge is a recolor of the sword from Hellfire citadel in Warlords, and the shield Corroded augari defender, is also a recolor of the shield from Hellfire citadel in Warlords, NEITHER are new models. Just recolors

  2. Why are you so SO terrible at saying what you read? Every single time you do this there are multiple item names that you don’t just get wrong but instead give completely unrelated names!

  3. Definitely getting the peafowl and parasol toy today. The mount is a lot bigger than I expected considering it’s a peafowl. And a parasol without dealing with old content to get is great

  4. Arsenal Skyborn Blades are dope but is it a Tender sink? Why force a dual weild mog for what could've been a 1 handed mog? To justify the 500 tender pricing?? Weird, it's nice but I'm getting the 2 hander offered. 😮I know Black Market buyers are pissed off😆, I would've expected the 2 hnder to have been 500 tender but oh well lol🤷🏾‍♂️

  5. Blizzard, I have 7000 of these stupid tender things. It is gonna be over 8000 when I get the bonus this month.

    For the love of God and everything that is holy, just give me something that I can spend these tenders on. I can’t sell them, I can’t convert them into gold, but you have just dumped garbage into the Trading Post month after month

    Can we seriously not get a nice HD loincloth or pair of cool, chunky boots for Leather/cloth wearers? Holy moly


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