Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Disc Priest Is It Worth Playing?

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Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Disc Priest Is It Worth Playing?


25 thoughts on “Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Disc Priest Is It Worth Playing?”

  1. Do we even know if the tier sets are active in PVP? all they said was you can get them from the vault.. I'm thinking they won't be but double leggo might

  2. Just curious are the Tier Sets specific pieces of armor or will you have the option to craft them in certain slots? I'm new to tier sets so don't know about the old ones and would like to figure that out before crafting my legendary on my Priest to avoid a recrafting cost.

  3. you didnt showed us Crystaline Reflection damage reflection you were talking about, but I doubt it might be great damage in m+? I imagine it would be Rapture and spamming shields on the tank? How much damage would be talking about to not justify picking Boon of the AScended. ty anyways for video. Besides you cannot use pvp talents in m+ and that would mean we are talking that it wouldnt be meta, idk.
    FOr open world content I dont feel casting Radiance to trigger Penance is fun

  4. your penance build doesn't make sense, the legendary is relying on you using power word radiance, yet you arn't taking the instant power word radiance pvp honour talent. Literally doesn't make any sense.

  5. I main disc for over 11 years and i would go machine gun vent(maybe kyr doh??) for 2s and fae reflect for 3s. But for sure once ppl realise its this strong everyone will play disc. Insta no cost shadowmends? Why not!! Channel through walls that does 50% of enemy hp? Why not!!!

  6. You speak of raiding raiding raiding then suddenly start practicing and demonstration on pvp talents and pvp environment… Better make your mind clear before making a video next time and don't make us lose time please.


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