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Thanks to everyone picking up a copy! much appreciated!
Thanks for the vid man. Was a reminder to fill up a guild bank with this type of transmog. Been so busy leveling up alts I forgot 😂
Where is the saleetas farm? sorry not familiar
OMG NERFFFFFF PLEASE NERFFFFFFFFFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanku for the useless video
Hey man, thanks for the Vid. So all of this farma should be done with 5 man? About Bfd, should I do a full run?
Can you edit in 1080p please I hate not to see the HD icon on the bottom right 😀
Great videos also
This is just 5 mans? Dungeons are still fixed right? I'm not noticing a difference in dungeons are you sure
So is this just for classic right?
Nice mount studen
Ok Studen I just bought your book going to dive into it ……. =)
Hey, can you do this farm on max lvl? And do you need to use layering to spawn mobs faster?
Sanguine = sayn-gween
With no one running old dungeons while leveling…will that make items from those dungeons go up in value???
This strictly depends on what server you are on. If you are on a low to mid pop server, good luck. I'll stick to the raw gold farming. Little more of a grind but guaranteed. This kind of grinding take months and a lot of reposting items on the AH.
I was always wondering Studen what are those items in 1st bag that u always carry in ur videos? Those in stacks of 20. Share it ;d
I bought the guide and it is great anyone wanting to make GOLD in WoW should buy it — thanks for your hard work on that and all your great vids.
Do we have to do it with the character without gear? Like naked? Cause that's what I've been told
Can confirm this farm. Did it solo, got big drops within first few mobs. 73k LIV in 15 minutes.
Is getting 10-31g as a reward from low level quests normal?
Hi, wanted to suggest something, can you make a similar farm exclusive for your book only?
I'm really enjoying the book and I'm starting to make some gold by the book already, but it would be nice if you would release more book exclusive farms if you know what I mean:)😉
Personally I dislike the idea of a paid guide and not having your avgsmartbuy in your videos. It makes me think that you hype up certain farms after you've already extracted most of the market value that you want.
I wish you the best but you are hurting your videos on youtube by making a paywall to get the "best" information. Thank you for the content you do provide though.
Yoooo Studen you're a legend for this. Just did an hour of silithus and got 3x Vanguard's Legplates 😂 thx for the vids, keep it up man!!
Great, now I won't be able to farm azure whelplings, but I might be able to buy them dirt cheap
all items that you show are nothing worth on my realm. I think all the transmog farmers play here on Blackhand EU…
Man, you got rolled in that LAC.
glorious legs is now 25k r u happy now ? mutibox get bann and all druid come here . Thank u for fuckup dude 🙂
now 15k here pos
bro, did they nerf silithius and bfd?
First I went to siltithius but we only had a grp of 3 ppl. Yet we cleared camps several times and I did not get a single green.
Then I went to bfd and did 10 runs just like in your guide and only got 2 blues and 12 greens. Idk, I knew the spots in stonetalon and killing the highborn and the droprate there is absolutely bonkers still.
I have the weekend to get a token and were going to see what happens,
Also I feel like you can make a stupid amount of money leveling
I missed so much the ":0" face on thumbnail
NEW GAME! Take a shot everytime you hear "glorious" in the video! 🙂
Now i could propably get the glorious set for my self just farming it rather than buy it out of the ah o/
I think this is the fix..they are targeting farmers and if they increase the drop rate they will devalue all the items.
Thanks for the Video! I think my issue right now is that I am getting transmog drops with my dungeon runs but nothing is selling, not even the more expensive items. I know it is patience but when you sell 0 in a week it gets tiresome 🙂 My server may just not be the place to do this
I dont know why Skullflame is so expensive… You can literally get it from Mana tombs
Man accept your quests lol
You know it's going to be a useful video when youi look like a blowup doll in the thumbnail.
needle cave been nerf i think been there like 3 days ago green drop like crazy and today almost nothing only cloth where dropping :S
Hey Studen 🙂 I did like 4 hours of Stonetalon Ghost farm and i got some really good items 🙂 the bad part is they are not selling at all i mean atleast i cant sell them 😀
Shushhh don’t tell them I want free gear
Respect Studen, you get my first like for this video. It's the first time, that i hear did you say 1200000 marketval. but you can get 10k or much more. Thats the right way for your goldguide videos. Great job man. Best regarts from germany
Oh sweet, I invested in a ton of these cause they were cheap and figured it was just multiboxers. Sweet, waste of millions of gold.
Im doing Stonetalon and BFD but not getting any items. Has this been nerfed with todays patch?
Ok so I logged on my druid that was camping at the skeleton farm in smv for hallows end, I proceeded to kill about 6 lobsters there and they gave me 3 lobster pets…. I felt like I was a cheater at that point 😅 on my server they sell for 8k… so making about 20k in 2mins is pretty broken imo
sill eee thus
done with channel …. bye bye
do u litterally just do gold vids