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Protection Warriors went through a lot during the Shadowlands Beta, but they are finally starting to feel like their old selves again. Shadowlands has a lot of fun, cool new (and old) bonuses for Protection Warriors that will breathe some new life into the spec.
Prot Warriors are poised to have a good start in Shadowlands, and the future looks pretty bright! Llarold has the breakdown of everything that’s new, different, and the same for Protection Warriors in Shadowlands!
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0:00 Intro
0:48 Why Play Protection Warrior?
2:06 Covenants
11:38 Conduits
16:32 Legendaries
19:22 Talents
21:45 Rotation
22:52 Stats & Gear
25:10 Outro
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You're re-doing all tanks videos?
Hype! Love your sense of humor in your videos and written guides! 🙂
fuck i hate that i have to choose kyrian. everything about them sucks
I still haven't even decided if I want to go Druid or Prot, but I think from a purely "compelling gameplay" standpoint, Prot War is just miles ahead… I also have a Monk I could bring up, but I find the fantasy of that so much less interesting, and the damage profile of Brewmaster seems even more underwhelming… As a tank player, I'm genuinely unhappy with all the choices I have available. I can't really do DK because we already have a bloody DK in our raid, I can't really do Prot pally cus i'd have to level one from scratch and even if I did I don't know if I'd love the theme and feel of it and I can't really do Vengeance because it just always felt so off to play with the uptime on Spikes…. Also, I will not stop complaining about Whirlwind's introduction to Prot warrior….Why? It's completely useless garbage. I think what I'm most frustrated by is that whoever was responsible for Prot seemed to just nerf everything that made it tick, and kind of just leave it be there, plopping random nonsense onto it with little regard for whether it works or even really much thought (as you rightly point out, Execute is almost as useless as whirlwind with how it was implemented for Prot).
Great video mate, very informative as always!
Very useful, thanks man. Liked the written version too!
Why cant they make Whirlwind on a 6 sec cooldown, and generate 6 rage or something instead? 🙁 hate dead spells.
For fuck sake i just want to be Maldraxxus. Fucking shit system. So close to cancel the game. And yeah i kniw u can pick the shittiest covenant and still play.
Wowhead Protection Warrior Guide:
Major Changes to Report: Night Fae Soulbind Niya's Burrs has been fixed to work against bosses, making Night Fae the clear #1 DPS option for single target, as well as AoE. The difference is still pretty small, and all the other issues with Ancient Aftershock are still there, so this shouldn't really change your decision. Kyrian is simpler and much less likely to be punished by movement, Night Fae is slightly better as long as no enemies move out of the Ancient Aftershock early — but they might!