Shadowlands PvE Holy Paladin – Key Binds and UI Setup

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In this video I walk through some of the decisions I have made to set up effective Key Binds and a productive User Interface for Holy Paladin. Much of this discussion can apply to other specs and roles, but I consider what elements you should focus on to improve your gameplay as a healer.



15 thoughts on “Shadowlands PvE Holy Paladin – Key Binds and UI Setup”

  1. Any legendary you recommend for running virtue? I plan to be running that or possibly the double beacon, but I don’t see the single beacon being really good for mythic dungeons since like you’ve said before, healing the tank who has the beacon, is wasted.

  2. Another super useful video! As a returning player (not played since MoP) trying to re-learn hpala, this is great info. I do have to ask if you would consider providing an import link for your Grid2 specifically? I'm having a bit of trouble getting it set up correctly and yours is super clean!

  3. I use this same methodology for keybinds as well. What I have done is put shift and control on my mouse4 and mouse5 buttons and makes this so much easier to use. If you have more than two mouse buttons on the side you could also put ALT on there as well.


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