Someone Educate me on MM Hunter Start Priority for Pvp / Arena. What do you Prioritize Haste/Vers, Vers/Mast, or Crit/Vers. Explain your choices please.
Lol there they go, shitting on the pvp community again.. Haven’t favored us since MoP, and it looks like it’s going to be another expansion where we have to double dip JUST to keep up.
I think they need to have a spec for every class that is viable at the top tier of pvp player (that being the world championship). If something is seeing a lot less play in those very high tier levels then either rework a spec to make it viable or give it pvp specific buffs to help it out. I'm not a hunter main by any means, but I watched the most 4 or 5 recent world championships and every grand final included 0 hunters. They were in the qualifiers and what not, but none in the grand finals.
There are other classes that kind of share the same problem so I think it should be something blizzard tries to fix for the pvp community. Maybe just have one spec that is strictly focused for pvp top tier play maybe? Not sure how it would be done, but if I were "X" class main watching worlds all the time it would suck to never see mine played.
That fact that drest agath is still viable is easily the most frustrating and stupidest things of the pvp, it’s not even all that broken anymore but it just shows how horrible pvp was in bfa that a mythic raid trinket was so fucking strong that’s it’s viable in the next expansion, this literally hasn’t happened since vanilla naxxramas gear. Edit: actually it is kind of broken, it can still Crit for 50% of peoples hp which is inappropriate for a trinket
Does this mean we could upgrade pvp items we got from the great vault and not just the ones we buy with conquest points? So it woulnd't matter if we get a low level item from the great vault as long as we get the rating later in the season?
Regarding the hunter nerf – as someone that plays hunter and cant wait to go into arena.
This kinda had to happen, its stupid that I could global a 26k health player with 30k damage, takes 3 secs to setup, the player has a clue for like 1,5 secs before it all hits at the same time.
This might move hunters into doing resonating arrow, explosive shot, true shot, snipe shot, double tap rapid fire / aimshot – into aimshot / rapid fire, whatever you didnt use. double tap rapid fire will net you more damage but is not as bursty.
Getting off 9-12k aimshots x2 + a 7,5k explosive shot and a 5-6k arcane shot, is just way to much – you have zero chance to do anything, since this all lands with in 1,5-2,5 secs. This wont even take into consideration if you do 2v2 with a rogue or another dps, add whatever they can do on top of that.
So lets say, its a 10k initial aimed crit, then a 5k aimed double tap – explosive shot that can do 7,5k, arcane shot which is around 4-6k. Thats 26-28k if everything crits ( You have around 50% crit when you drop resonating arrow, so it happens more often than what people might think). even if only half of this crits, so its 14-15k damage, your 2v2 partner only has to do 10k. You are still instantly putting the other team on defensive and then you have to manage CC and keep the pressure there to finish off the player.
And like I said, this might actually make sniper shot have a place again where it could make sense.
Hot take: No pvp gear progression; multiple stat templates to pick from for pvp content = more accessibility to pvp competitively = more participation = more competition = wow pvp is more relevant
not true at all, hunter was way too easy to kill in any cr below 2200, was giving people a false rating until they got to a ranking where people actually knew how to play against MM, same with rogue and ret, ya they may not be as op against top ranked players, but any class that can literally get keyboard turners and clickers to 2k, is op, Pros can win as 3 vulpera MM hunters, so going based off professional play is not the right thing to do, pros can beat amateeurs with any comp. FOr the normal players, these classes were op and needed nerfed, no normal player is going o be able to react to MM, or ret instant 20k burst.. Pros find ways to win and preform well, no matter what the meta is, even if there class is considered shit in that meta, there is always pros who find a way to make them work, the normal player is not going to be able to fight 20-25k insta burst classes.
I seen this coming a mile away and thank god MM hunter is just my alt. Also rogues are still killing people in stun cc chains with no counterplay
Someone Educate me on MM Hunter Start Priority for Pvp / Arena. What do you Prioritize Haste/Vers, Vers/Mast, or Crit/Vers. Explain your choices please.
Rogues, Warriors and Hunter deal insane damage to my Warlock. I literally die before the stun and/or kick wears off.
Lol there they go, shitting on the pvp community again.. Haven’t favored us since MoP, and it looks like it’s going to be another expansion where we have to double dip JUST to keep up.
Rogue is 10x more squichy than a paladin.
Just nerf all those pve trinkets… they don't belong in pvp
And also don't nerf rogues into the ground. When we get gear and things slow down it will be fine I guess
I think they need to have a spec for every class that is viable at the top tier of pvp player (that being the world championship). If something is seeing a lot less play in those very high tier levels then either rework a spec to make it viable or give it pvp specific buffs to help it out. I'm not a hunter main by any means, but I watched the most 4 or 5 recent world championships and every grand final included 0 hunters. They were in the qualifiers and what not, but none in the grand finals.
There are other classes that kind of share the same problem so I think it should be something blizzard tries to fix for the pvp community. Maybe just have one spec that is strictly focused for pvp top tier play maybe? Not sure how it would be done, but if I were "X" class main watching worlds all the time it would suck to never see mine played.
Great content btw 🙂
Against rogues now if your trinket is on cd you will die in one stun, rogues literally on crack now…
That fact that drest agath is still viable is easily the most frustrating and stupidest things of the pvp, it’s not even all that broken anymore but it just shows how horrible pvp was in bfa that a mythic raid trinket was so fucking strong that’s it’s viable in the next expansion, this literally hasn’t happened since vanilla naxxramas gear. Edit: actually it is kind of broken, it can still Crit for 50% of peoples hp which is inappropriate for a trinket
Great as always Supra!!!
Does this mean we could upgrade pvp items we got from the great vault and not just the ones we buy with conquest points? So it woulnd't matter if we get a low level item from the great vault as long as we get the rating later in the season?
Love your videos man- definitely my go to source for all things shadowlands. Looking forward to an updated ww monk pvp video 🙂
the great vault onw allows you to pick one item no matter how many choices you have
To me, the kyrian ret paladin ability is not designed for single target. It gets you at most 3 holy power in 3s and applies lawbringer to everyone.
This also nerfs, holy and prot pally divine toll with the nerf to the conduit.
Regarding the hunter nerf – as someone that plays hunter and cant wait to go into arena.
This kinda had to happen, its stupid that I could global a 26k health player with 30k damage, takes 3 secs to setup, the player has a clue for like 1,5 secs before it all hits at the same time.
This might move hunters into doing resonating arrow, explosive shot, true shot, snipe shot, double tap rapid fire / aimshot – into aimshot / rapid fire, whatever you didnt use. double tap rapid fire will net you more damage but is not as bursty.
Getting off 9-12k aimshots x2 + a 7,5k explosive shot and a 5-6k arcane shot, is just way to much – you have zero chance to do anything, since this all lands with in 1,5-2,5 secs. This wont even take into consideration if you do 2v2 with a rogue or another dps, add whatever they can do on top of that.
So lets say, its a 10k initial aimed crit, then a 5k aimed double tap – explosive shot that can do 7,5k, arcane shot which is around 4-6k. Thats 26-28k if everything crits ( You have around 50% crit when you drop resonating arrow, so it happens more often than what people might think). even if only half of this crits, so its 14-15k damage, your 2v2 partner only has to do 10k. You are still instantly putting the other team on defensive and then you have to manage CC and keep the pressure there to finish off the player.
And like I said, this might actually make sniper shot have a place again where it could make sense.
Hot take: No pvp gear progression; multiple stat templates to pick from for pvp content = more accessibility to pvp competitively = more participation = more competition = wow pvp is more relevant
I think every nerf here is justified
not true at all, hunter was way too easy to kill in any cr below 2200, was giving people a false rating until they got to a ranking where people actually knew how to play against MM, same with rogue and ret, ya they may not be as op against top ranked players, but any class that can literally get keyboard turners and clickers to 2k, is op, Pros can win as 3 vulpera MM hunters, so going based off professional play is not the right thing to do, pros can beat amateeurs with any comp. FOr the normal players, these classes were op and needed nerfed, no normal player is going o be able to react to MM, or ret instant 20k burst.. Pros find ways to win and preform well, no matter what the meta is, even if there class is considered shit in that meta, there is always pros who find a way to make them work, the normal player is not going to be able to fight 20-25k insta burst classes.
I'm with you on the template system