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Shadowlands PvP Disc Priest Arena Gameplay Pre Patch
World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.0.1 Discipline Priest 2v2 Arena Gameplay with Retribution Paladin 1440p resolution (Disc Priest POV). Games recorded around 2300 MMR. Timestamps and Armory link below.
00:00:12 Holy Paladin & Windwalker Monk
00:01:00 Shadow Priest & Subtlety Rogue
00:02:19 Holy Paladin & Subtlety Rogue
00:03:42 Fire Mage & Subtlety Rogue
00:05:14 Holy Paladin & Feral Druid
00:08:04 Mistweaver Monk & Unholy Death Knight
00:11:22 Restoration Druid & Elemental Shaman
00:15:05 Protection Paladin & Windwalker Monk
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Song List :
Get Back in the Game – Clandestyne
Never Return (Instrumental Version) – Carvings
Sooner Than You Know (Instrumental Version) – Carvings
Inescapable – Coma Svensson
Stuck In A Frame – Sven Karlsson
Physical (Instrumental Version) – Parellite
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#WoW #Gaming #MMORPG #Arena #PvP
Priests look very strong in pre patch. I hope they will be slightly nerfed or at least be more balanced once we reach lvl 60 and get covenant abilities and conduits etc.
Azjol i dont see it on your bar anywhere but dont forget preists have mind sear now and you can bait rogues out with it. Ive hit QUITE a few strong openers with baiting rogues out.
GG warrior!!!
Execution sentence with wings
Good games man, good games. I thought you were 100% dead in that last game, glad your pally came through! I hope I never face you in arenas 😁
ggs man
What addon u use for interface? I mean see buff near the enemy pg head too
More than BFA?
Can you tell me your addons ?
GG warrior!!!
I mean, I'm amazed at what wow add-on have become lol
Do you even need to pay attention to anything at all once you have a voice telling you everything that the opponents pop ?
Like having the visual clue on the interface wasn't broken enough xD
well, holy pala dealt much more dmg and haven't been nerfed. can't say that disc priest is dealing amazing dmg as in the same time you dealt half maybe 3 quarters of ret dmg while doing same heals as others so dmg is not broken at all
Can I play disc priest in every combo in 2vs2 and 3vs3 for 2000cr rating or only Rouge, mage and the other strong combos? I think the combo is only important for high raiting like 2500, isnt it? 😀
Love ur videos bro
I would love to see a UI and Macro guide from you! I want to main Disc Priest and alt a Resto Shaman for 3's this season. I thought I had a good bit of macros and keybinds but yours seem far more advanced than mine. Good video!
whats ur talent selection? Include PVP
How is it possible you dealt more dmg than your paladin? I only seee those 200-500 numbers and then it's 130k
What is that addon that is calling out your enemy spells?! I need it.
I bro can u send your weak aura & omni bar setting on your facebook ?
Also a question…how do you immediately tag the guy you are going after in arenas just as the gates open? I need to learn more. I am a hell of a lot better in bgs. Thanks!!!
Hi, goof games, i love it. What is your talents for arena please? I think I don't the same talent….and i death often..
Are you playing on 1440p? No UI scaling? I am having a hard time reading stuff it is microscopic at 1440p.
Mans got that white shirt on point