Sub Rogue PVE Guide Shadowlands WOW 9.0.2

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What’s up guys?! Today we’re diving into Subtlety Rogues in Shadowlands. We’re gonna go over changes, talents, rotations, and more throughout this guide!
I played a bit of Sub Rogue in BFA and really liked it especially towards the end and with all the buffs into shadowlands it feels really good to play. Smooth single target and pretty good AOE if you know what you’re doing and we’ll cover both in this video!
Hope you guys like the video and thanks for viewing!

Shadow Blades, Symbols of Death, Shadow Dance macro

#showtooltip Shadow Blades
/cast Shadow Blades
/cast Symbols of Death
/cast Shadow Dance

One button will trigger everything. You can do the same with shadow dance and symbols.

#showtooltip Symbols of Death
/cast Symbols of Death
/cast Shadow Dance

I use this as my symbols button since you should be triggering them together, but if one is on cool down it will still trigger the other.
Then I have a shadow dance on my hot bar to use if I just want to use a shadow dance alone. Say I’m close to 2 charges and just need a bit of damage to finish a pack but don’t wanna use a symbols so I have it for next pull I just use the reg button

Intro 00:0000:01:14
Sub Changes 01:1406:38
Talents 06:3812:28
Single Target Rotation 12:2816:36
AOE Rotation 16:3620:04
Stat Priority 20:0422:27
Outro 22:2824:01


49 thoughts on “Sub Rogue PVE Guide Shadowlands WOW 9.0.2”

  1. Awesome video, just what I was looking for as a long time rogue player getting back into WoW. You mentioned leaving the macro information for the opener but its not there

  2. `hey dude! thank you so much for your video:D leaarned a lot! any chance you could make one about rogue utility. like where you use them and how you make yhourself useful in dungeons? I've had people bitch about why I didn't cc the mobs in some places. but I have no idea how/when they would want me to do that?

  3. I would use Night Fae but i'm a Renown 10 with Kyrians. Would i be able to keep my Renown level with Kyrians or will it reset to 1 after switching to Night Fae and back to Kyrian? Only reason i went with Kyrians was for that extra combo point usage for extra Black Powder aoe damage.

  4. Not sure if I missed it but how are you handling slice and dice for pure aoe pulls? If you’re running premed, just snd whenever it falls off and keeping it up for the fight? And if no premed, snd after first shadow strike then start aoe dmg rotation?

  5. I saw somewhere in the rogue discord Ravenholdt that we shadowblades in stealth on opener for more cp from sstrike, then slice, then sepsis for 2cp from sblades and the mastery buff from niya (soulbind) then go into the dance + symbols.

    Your opener is missing a huge mastery buff from niya after sepis during the dance + symbols opener. Im not saying you are wrong im just saying its what i learned from the Ravenholdt discord.

  6. Damn thank you so much for this I spent leveling my rogue from lvl 50 with some build I found from another dude and I was barely killing mobs and couldn’t even defeat stronger mobs and would just die, then found your video randomly and just decided to try the talents and the rotation and then it started going real smooth for me

  7. my gear is full pvp set focus in versa and mastery, do I lose a lot of DPS with these stat? it's my only gear and it's 197, should I run to get a pve set with the correct stat?

  8. Nice vid man! Been playing Sub since the beginning of shadowlands in PVE as Night Fae. I actually been making guides and videos on my channel for sub rogue as well! Check it out 🙂

  9. Title should be "Passive Sub Rogue Talent Guide" for clickers.
    Cheat Death sucks, every rogue should take elusiveness. You should also take shadow technique unless you are running pvp build as you should be pooling energy for shadow dances, which makes the other two talents a waste in the lvl 50 talent row. 2+ target's should be shuriken storm. Basically as sub you're doing everything you can to reduce dance cooldowns. In mythic you can get off two or three shadow techniques and shadow dances per pull very easily.


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