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Imbalance continues in Shadowlands… in fact its only getting worse.
In this video I talk about my thoughts about the catastrophe that is unfolding in PvE and especially in PVP where one shots and globals are rampant.
If you are interested in debate and debauchery in my snowflake melting discord, feel free to join!
Convoke boomy main here. 9/10 of my convokes are dogshit at moderate levels of pvp. If convoke can wipe an enemy team, then that team is full of people who need to pay better attention to their surroundings. Convoke is a noob slayer. Games aren't balanced around noobs.
You just put all my problems on graphs and now I know I'm not insane
You've basically explained exactly how I feel and my discord mates keep telling me I'm making it all up and the games fine. Fuck em I know I'm right