Shadowlands PvP Tuning Changes released! Fire Mage Nerfs?!

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Are you happy with these initial changes or would you like to see more? Let me know down in the comments!
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27 thoughts on “Shadowlands PvP Tuning Changes released! Fire Mage Nerfs?!”

  1. So mages complaining that mages needs to be nerfed, and then few weeks later will complain other classes are just much stronger. No shade but you're only 2700+ on your mage because you climbed as fire. You didn't get that high from sticking with Arcane/Frost.

    They should buff under represented specs by focusing on their dead talents and why it's dead. An example Arcane Familar bolts only does 200 ish a bolt. Rule of Three being pointless. Super Nova doing low damage and on global cool down. Nether tempest is locked on 1 target while Spriest, UA Lock, boomkin etc can have their dots on more then one person. Time anomaly should just be reworked if the haste bonus doesn't proc in pvp, maybe the Mana from it should proc more often. A change to Arcane would like to see is replace Arcane Empowerment with each successfully Spellsteal gives 1 clear casting buff. This was a pvp set bonus few expansions ago. Also maybe replace Rule of Three with Arcane explosion echo like the artifact trait from Legion.

    Then as Frost, Bone Chilling seems bad compared to increased frostbolt damage from Lonely. Ice Nova/Comet Storm /Glacial Spike/Ray of Frost still have the dmg reduction modifiers from early BFA. A frostbolt with modifiers does more damage then Glacial Spike. All the Frost Legendaries were nerfed early October during beta. Even Grisly Icicle doesn't have the dmg bonus to Frost when Arcane and Fire does.

    Mages are in a bad state even in Rated Battlegrounds and with the incoming nerf to Fire it's pointless to bring a Mage in when Boomkins/UA locks is just better in team fight, control, utility and damage.

  2. These changes look good but they still won't solve the biggest issue I have with Arena: CC in combination with resets. No matter how bursty you are, at a certain CR you will get destroyed by any decent playing rogue/mage rogue/rogue combo. The amount of resets is just insane and you can basically outwait every opponents crucial Cooldowns. Does DR even exist for rogues?!

  3. This is great in all but what about the 10 other specs that are under performing. People won’t even play with me because I’m frost. What’s the point in playing if no1 will play with you:(

  4. Pet classes need their pets to be 'whole' and we're penalized so hard for when they die, ressing the pets should be like 1.5 second cast max for hunters, same for warlocks, it's currently a 6 (!) sec cast for locks. I mean, fuck me.

    Also, a question, do you think you gimp yourself too hard by going Venthyr instead of Night Fae as fire? And man, please fight the devs on tweeter for some Arcane Buffs, my wife would appreciate it lol

  5. on a weird opinion i guess, i would LOVE for chillstreak to be nerfed/changed and then damage actually added into frost dk spec itself, feels so bad having all kill pressure tied into a pvp talent which you have to save all CDs for to make it viable and to add to that you hvae to do insane setups with your team to make it work when there are things like warriors, ret, ww etc which can just W key at stuff to do their pressure, feels so bad popping on use trinket/pillar of frost with a 233 weapon to then hit 5-7k killing machine proc obliterates….

  6. There’s a couple of nerfs missing for sure! And some buffs missing for underperforming classes. I’m mage and I find it ok. U never like to have your class nerfed.. But tbh triune was pretty OP but I think they could’ve done 55% instead of 50%. Never liked to play with a healer in 2’s. I don’t really understand the 2’s changes. Will it be harder to play double dps now?
    Be honest Venruki you just want frost to be the best spec ^^

  7. I dont think the convoke "nerfs" actually do too much (especially for feral, arent more bites better/as good?). After looking at my log after being globalled by a balance druid convoke, I find often there isnt even a full moon in there, it's mostly starsurges and the additional starsurges they get after channelling. One interesting interaction I found is that if you are in melee a balance druid may cast ferocious bite during convoke for negligible damage so may be a good reason to train them to not get off a clean convoke!

  8. I'd like to get the whole picture of small changes if you ask me, like ret and ele's burst is still insane, they need to tone down the crit multiplier in templar's and make those x3 judgment casts unable to crit. sometimes even without wings those are going to hit ya for 15k each and call it ggz. I have a game on which I took 28k of judgment 1 cast… I mean its good to see they're not waiting til the end of the season as usual but this kind of feels like when they nerfed sub to the ground whereas the game is still a clown fiesta but you're left out of the fun lol.

    And also buffs to the non-existant specs ofc.

  9. also the nerf to divine favor is so contradictory with how fast paced the game is. If anything I'd have nerfed divine toll like same idea as ret make the x3 casts unable to crit, that thing can insta top all 3 team members when that procs because holy shock has a huge crit chance. Also the fact that its in arcane school so you can use it while kicked lol.


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